ForumsQuestsClicker Heroes Quests

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9,323 posts

Prepare your wrists, these Quests will put your tapping to the test for the game Clicker Heroes.
All That Glitters
Open 10 treasure chests.
Hardness: Easy
Starting Out
Reach zone level 50.
Hardness: Easy
Fast Fingers
Click 25+ times in 1 second.
Hardness: Medium
Ascend one time.
Hardness: Medium
Ancient Power
Summon 4 different ancients.
Hardness: Hard
Power Up
Level any hero to 1000.
Hardness: Hard
Defeat Doppler at zone level 500.
Hardness: Hard

  • 216 Replies
650 posts

@reton8 - and as with any tier lists, there is considerable difference between them. Not to mention the first list being rather heavily out of date - it lists the skill ancients as giving +5s per level.

Those lists are also heavily biased towards idle builds - as in going away from the game for extended periods of time. The idle ancients are very poor for soul farming runs because you have to constantly click for upgrades and cooldowns - if you're actually idle for an extended period of time when you're not at the computer then you would get more souls by just ascending and farming the first couple hundred levels again.

Morgulis is fantastic as an early ancient because he has a very large effect on your early runs with effectively zero soul cost - much more than pretty much any other ancient but Vaagur. Obviously he will drop off at a certain point, but so do a lot of good ancients. He'll still cut a massive amount of time off your early farming runs, allowing you to get to speed farming much much faster than trying and putting points in anything like the gold ancients.

3,174 posts


Not to mention the first list being rather heavily out of date - it lists the skill ancients as giving +5s per level.

If you look at the edits at the end of the tier list, it has been updated for patch 15. The tier list also includes Juggernaut, an ancient added in patch 15. Perhaps the user forgot to remove the "+5s per level", but I really would not say that it's out of date at all.

18,319 posts

I feel stupid about asking an easy quest.

But how do you get the '25+ clicks in 1 second' quest? I tried clicking while using Clickstorm and it doesn't seem like it's doing anything.

18,319 posts

I'm trying to unlock Referi the Ice Wizard. How many more heroes do I need to go through to reach Aphrodite?

11,891 posts

@R2D21999 You have about 6 more Heroes to go. You should be able to unlock Aphrodite around lvl 100.

15 posts

So Olinser, what would be the ancients you advise for reaching lvl 500?
Morgulis, Vaagur and... ?

18,319 posts

Another thing, how do you even get the ancients? Is it some kind of 'Unlock a certain level' or 'Get a certain hero and then pay lots of gold for the ancient?'

3,174 posts


The tabs that switch you between heroes, achievements, and stats, a new tab will unlock at some point (if not unlocked already). The tab is a triangle with an eye. In that tab is a button that says summon ancients. You click that button and the ancients are summoned. I can't recall, but I think there is a prompt asking if you are certain you want to summon an ancient.

1.) Ancients cost Hero Souls.

2.) Hero Souls are earned in a few different ways.

- One hero soul is obtained every 2,000 combined hero levels. This means every time you level up a hero you are one level closer to getting a hero soul.
If you have a combined hero level of 4,000 that will net you 2 hero souls.
If you have a combined hero level of 6,000 that will net you 3 hero souls and so forth.

- Hero souls are also reward for the first time you defeat a centurion boss. A centurion boss is any boss at a levell that is a multiple of 100. So, centurion bosses occur at level 100, level 200, level 300, level 400, level 500, and so forth.

- After level 100, every boss stage (example, level 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, etc.) has a chance of spawning a primal boss. The first time you enter a boss stage (above level 100) will determine whether or not the boss is a primal. If the boss is not a primal boss upon entering the stage, it will never be a primal boss upon subsequent respwans.

If the boss is a primal boss, the boss will remain a primal until defeating it. If you fail to defeat the boss it will remain a primal boss. Upon defeating the boss you will gain the hero souls and the boss will return to a normal boss. You only gain it's hero souls once.

(Note: Ascending will reset your chance for primal bosses. So, if you defeat a primal boss on level 125, then a normal boss at level 130, play to level 141, and then ascend. On that next run (after your ascension), you will have another chance that level 125 be a primal boss again. Also, level 130 could be a primal boss on the next run.)

3.) You must ascend in order to gain the hero souls you have been awarded.

The game will say "Ascend for + X (amount of Hero Souls)" underneath were the total number of hero souls you have.

4.) You ascend by purchasing, for gold, the skill "Ascension" from the hero Amenhotep.

- It requires that Amenhotp be level 150, before you can purchase the "Ascension" skill.

- The "Ascension" skill costs 19,200q.

- Upon clicking the "Ascension" skill, the game will prompt you saying:

"Are you sure you want to Ascend to gain Hero Souls? This will RESET your game, and you will start a new game with X more Hero Souls."

X more Hero Souls, being the number of current hero souls you have earned in that run.

If you click "yes", you will be awarded the hero souls you have gained, the game will reset to level 1. You will lose all your heroes and any DPS bonuses you have gained from using Abbadon's Dark Ritual skill. However, you will keep all your DPS bonuses from achievements and each hero soul you have will give you 10% bonus to DPS.

Hopefully this helps.

1,417 posts

During the Halloween week, you can find pumpkin-cat and candies, as shown in, in the following screenshot!

Pumpkin-cat gives you a random skill for a short duration of time.
Candies gives you a large amounts of money.
The higher you world level is the more money you will receive from the candies.

Candies appears more frequently than Pumpkin-cat,and you only need to click on them once!

97 posts

After 17 ascend I need 7 minut to go to zone 135 with my "idle" build.
I was doing that in 6 min before but i overspend my soul on siyalatas.
In theory i would go faster with click build but in reality I need to level up my hero constantly to don't drop with speed.
I have maxed Kumawakamaru, Siyalatas lv 19, mamon lv 11, mimzee 9, fortuna 7, and Argaiv lv 8(after buying Siyalatas and kuma it become useless right now -.-).
Without gold Ancients I couldn't leveling max kuma would be useless cous i would still need to farm more gold on monster to progress.
I can make around 102 Hero soul per hour, if i want to, but I enjoy it if I play less per day.

11,891 posts

@Potoks: I'm surprised you don't have Libertas with your idle build but you have Mammon, Mimzee, and Fortuna.

97 posts

At beginning i thought that idle bonus break when you level up heroes :/. Now I would need 70 soul to buy next ancient plus cost of reroll is 24 soul. I'll have 358 soul in bank after next ascension and still have free respect, so I can try make better build but I will save that for later

2,980 posts

The fastest that I've been able to click is 17 clicks per second. Any tips as to how I could reach 25 per second?

650 posts

@themastaplaya - At around zone 100 you will be able to get the hero Aphrodite. At her level 100 (which you will probably be able to afford the first time in the zone 120-130 area), you can buy the skill Energize, which doubles the effectiveness of the skill used immediately after it.

Use Energize, then Clickstorm, that gives you 20 clicks per second. Now you only have to click 5 times in a second while it is active for the achievement.

2,980 posts

Thanks! That's very helpful!

Showing 61-75 of 216