ForumsQuestsClicker Heroes Quests

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Prepare your wrists, these Quests will put your tapping to the test for the game Clicker Heroes.
All That Glitters
Open 10 treasure chests.
Hardness: Easy
Starting Out
Reach zone level 50.
Hardness: Easy
Fast Fingers
Click 25+ times in 1 second.
Hardness: Medium
Ascend one time.
Hardness: Medium
Ancient Power
Summon 4 different ancients.
Hardness: Hard
Power Up
Level any hero to 1000.
Hardness: Hard
Defeat Doppler at zone level 500.
Hardness: Hard

  • 216 Replies
650 posts

Here are some key things about Ascensions:

1) You lose ALL gold and hero upgrades (and the effect of Abbadon's ability)

2) You KEEP all Achievements, Ancients, Souls, and Gilded upgrades

3) Every unspent Soul you have gives +10% DPS and click damage (additive, not multiplicative, so 20 souls gives +200% DPS)

For farming hero souls you have to keep a couple key points in mind:

1) Every 100 levels you get a guaranteed Centurian boss (one of the special named bosses) which gives extra hero souls based on the level (so level 100 is a guaranteed +1 hero soul every time, for instance).

2) Every boss (5 levels) past 100 has a single chance to be a Primal boss (allegedly this is 25% base), which like Centurian bosses, gives you extra souls based on the level you kill them on, which rapidly increases as the level increases - so Primal bosses start awarding 2, 3, 4, etc as you climb levels. Primal bosses will ONLY APPEAR the first time you go to the stage, although they will stay until they die. Clicking and resetting the stage does nothing, if you had a Primal boss the Primal boss remains, if you didn't there is no chance for one to appear.

3) Centurian bosses also have a VERY small chance to appear instead of a Primal boss - but they ONLY appear once, resetting the stage WILL make the Centurian disappear on anything but a x100 stage.

4) Every 2000 hero levels you get +1 soul, so right before you ascend make sure you get the next 2000 level mark

5) Every 10 levels starting at 100, the FIRST TIME ONLY you beat the stage you are granted a Gilded upgraded to a random hero - this grants a permanent +50% DPS increase to a random hero. Heroes can be Gilded multiple times with the effects stacking additively.

Things you can do with Hero souls:

1) Leave them in the bank to increase DPS. Each Hero soul grants +10% DPS and click damage - additive, not multiplicative, so 1 Hero soul grants 10%, 10 hero souls grant 100%


3) Change which heroes are Gilded - this is COMPLETELY RANDOM, you are paying souls to remove the Gilded upgrade from a hero and transfer it to a new completely random Hero.

Key Ancients:

Each Ancient has their own abilities, but some of them are just TERRIBLE, some are mediocre, and some are completely OP.

1) You are granted a random selection of 4 Ancients to chose from. This selection DOES NOT change with Ascension, it only changes if you buy one or Reroll, both costing Hero souls

2) The cost of Ancients rapidly increases every time you buy one - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 35, 70, 125, 200, etc, but Rerolling increases at a much slower rate - 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 42. So rerolling is a MUCH better option than buying a poor Ancient, especially since there are so many poor Ancients.

3) Each ancient has their own ability and cost to upgrade. Some of them have a max level, some do not, some have rapidly increasing costs, some have static costs all the way

Best Ancients to get:

Morgulis, Ancient of Death - costs 1 soul to upgrade, always has a static 1 cost to level up, and grants +11% DPS additive with no level cap. In other words, he basically changes your Hero Soul DPS from 10% to 11% for each Soul. if you get him early he will make further soul farming go MUCH faster.

Vaagur, Ancient of Impatience - 5% skill cooldown per level, max level 15 (75% cooldown reduction). Arguably the best ancient for farming new levels early. Since cooldowns all feed off of each other, activating them all at once will allow you to beat bosses SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than otherwise (i.e. Clickstorm isn't that great on it's own, but activate it at the same time as Lucky Strikes and it's a massive boost, when you start adding in Power Surge and Super Clicks at the same time it gets ridiculous). Activating every damage cooldown will actually allow you to kill a boss FASTER than the previous level normal monster with no cooldowns.

Bhaal, Ancient of Murder - +15% critical damage. Actually quite good, at least for his first few levels, although his true power only appears when using all your skills at once. Since most of your progression boss kills come from popping Lucky Strikes, Clickstorm and all the damage increasing abilities, this makes +15% critical damage suddenly equal a BIG increase in damage. Since his cost goes up +1 per level, however, his usefulness starts to get significantly less around the 5-10 level range when the DPS you sacrifice would be worth more

Juggernaught, Ancient of Momentum - Gives you DPS based on click count. Actually pretty good, considering how much you end up clicking in the game.

Ancients that sound good but are actually bad:

Some of the ancients are just bad, not necessarily because their ability is bad, but because Hero Souls give +10% DPS each (11 with Morgulis), you have to weigh the cost of the ancient against the lost DPS from the souls. Sadly, a LOT of the ancients are not just bad, but counter-productive to buy.

If they changed the Hero Souls so that you kept the damage even if you spent them almost all of the Ancients would actually be quite good, but the way they have it set up leaves most of them just terrible.

Mammon, Ancient of Greed - +5% gold per level. More gold is bad? I know, crazy right? Mammon has 2 major problems with him. The first is that only giving +5% gold, but essentially costing 10% DPS, even level 1 is simply not worth it. 10% DPS lets you kill monsters 10% faster, which gets you effectively 10% more gold. Buying the ancient only gives you 5% more. The problem is further compounded by the fact that his cost increases +1 per level. So at level 5, you are paying 5 hero souls (50% DPS) for the same +5% to gold. Sacrificing 50% DPS for only 5% gold??? He's just not worth it.

Bubos, Ancient of Diseases - 2% boss life per level. Again, an Ancient that sounds good, but weighed against the Hero Soul cost is simply counter-productive. Especially since his cost goes up +1 per level, the DPS cost of buying and upgrading him is simply NOT worth it. Even at level 1 you are sacrificing 10% DPS for just 2% boss life, at level 5 you are sacrificing 50% DPS for just another 2% boss life. Simply not good.

Argaiv, Ancient of Enhancement - +2% hero damage per Gild. Easy to see how poor it is. You get +2% damage per Gild at the cost of 10% damage (and that's only if you buy him FIRST). Laughably useless and counter-productive at any stage of the game.

Chronos, Ancient of Time - +5s boss timer. Again, sounds crazy right? More time on the boss? Who wouldnt' want that?? Well, because all of the skills only have a 30 second duration. Meaning that extra 5 seconds is only at your base damage. Which quite frankly is laughable compared to your all-skills-used DPS. +5s on a boss you couldn't kill with every skill active equates to MAYBE 1 or 2 % of the boss life - nowhere near worth it for the Hero Soul DPS you sacrifice.

ALL of the +2 second duration bosses. Basically, since each skill isn't very good on it's own, these Ancients are ONLY useful if you get every one of them for all the skills AND the +5 second boss timer - something that quickly gets cost prohibitive.

ALL of the gold skill/treasure chest bosses - should be obvious. They only give gold based on very infrequent occurences - either Treasure Chests appearing or your gold skills being active. Again, the DPS you lose buying and upgrading them would have gotten you more gold.

650 posts

@Leesie - They can do it because of farming Hero Souls. Since they increase DPS, as you get more hero souls you can get Hero Souls even faster.

When I started it took me over a day to get to level 100. Now I can do it in about 2 hours, and with another 2 hours I can get another 10+ souls depending on Primal boss spawns . And that's with just 40 Souls. As you get more souls it will get even faster. My rhythm right now is do a Soul farm run where I go until I can't kill a boss the second my skills reset Ascend, then do a progression run and get 20 levels further than I was before, Ascend, do a farm run, etc.

636 posts

Pretty impressive walkthrough, Olinser, especially considering that you really don't like the game (justifiably so, I might add).

97 posts

Morgulis is not so good to get early. Every next ancient slot cost you 2 times more and Morgulis only give 10% more dps. There are better acient to get.
Btw. I just level up my Argaiv to level 6 and my dps go up about ~5%. When you have some gilds there always is point when it give bost in dps cous it multiply with other bonus.
Mammon is not so bad when you have 805 hero soul and level 4 Mamon, 5 soul is less then 5% of your dps if you level up Mamon to lvl 5 you get 4% more gold (you have 125% and you'll go to 130% gold ).
Treasure acient are also very good at some point.

And the beginnig is better not to buy any ancient. When you start buy don't go unter 400 souls. With less is hard to farm more souls

4 posts

Its such an awesome game but I think there should be more quest in the game!

650 posts

Morgulis is arguably THE best ancient to get early, for the simple fact that he essentially keeps your DPS static while increasing the number of souls you can use by 10%.

If I have 22 souls, with Morgulis I can buy a second ancient for 2 souls and still have the same DPS as if I had no ancients at all.

Telling people not to buy ancients until 400 souls is just stupid - Vaagur in particular should be bought and leveled to max the second you can see him, he massively increases the rate at which you can farm souls. Pretty much all of the good ancients should be bought the second you can see them because their increase is significantly MORE than the base soul cost. Waiting serves no purpose other than to waste time.

You're really not making much of a case for Argraiv. Since you recommend not buying ancients until you have 400 souls, I can only assume you have in the neighborhood of at least 500 souls and are in the 300ish area. That high and spending over 20 souls and getting 6 levels in the ancient barely gets you a 5% increase in DPS? Still not worth it.

303 posts
Grand Duke

What makes this game awesome ? It´s just a circle of things:
1. clicking,
2. collect money,
3. upgrade,
4. go afk for 10 years,
5. repeat from 3nd point.

6,737 posts

One thing about Juggernaught @Olinser
He isn't actually that great to buy if you spend most of your time AFK in which case the DPS for clicks will do you no good.

636 posts

What makes this game horrible? It's just a circle of things:

1. Clicking endlessly
2. Collecting money pointlessly
3. Upgrading mindlessly
4. Going AFKing for 10 years (I'd prefer forever, if it weren't for the badges)
5. Repeating infinitely

650 posts

Yes, but Juggernaught's extra click damage is still applicable when you pop all skills, which is the big place click power really comes into play anyway.

11,891 posts

People seem to be debating this from different perspectives. There are two different styles of play: active (Clicking/Skill Ancients are good) and passive (Passive Ancients are more useful), but there is also the short game (Just the quests) and the long game (Because it's fun).

The utility of Morgulis depends on how long you're actually going to play.
In the short term (no more than 4 or maybe 5 Ancients max), Morgulis is not a bad investment, but if you plan on playing this for a very long time, it is a terrible investment and forces the Ancient cost up for future Ancients at a measly 10% bonus to Hero Soul Bonus when Gold, Chest, and Primal Ancients are far more useful in the long term and would result in greater returns for damage.

650 posts

@Gantic - simply not true.

The gold and chest ancients are pretty much NEVER good because the increased gold return is only useful for the early stages of the game, where a single upgrade to a hero (or hiring the next level hero) can massively increase your damage. At later stages of the game even a single level to a hero costs so much and grants so little damage that increased gold return is not useful. What IS useful is the ability to kill the boss and proceed to the next stages, where gold drops increase significantly more than whatever ratio you had on gold. Because gold drops grow at such a ridiculously fast rate, advancing just 2 or 3 boss zones makes any gold you got at the previous zone not even noticeable. Thus, the greatest increase in gold results from being able to get to the furthest zones quicker.

You'll notice this if you ever afk from the game for an extended period of time after you have unlocked all hero abilities (around level 140) - if you are at a boss you can't kill even with full skills, you could be gone for literally days from the game, and when you come back, despite having an extremely large amount of gold relative to the level, you will still only have enough gold to upgrade your hero levels enough to advance 15-20 levels at the most, because gold costs for hero levels increase so fast. 20 zones later you will gain the same amount of gold you had farmed by being afk for days in less than an hour.

Likewise, chests have such a pathetically low drop rate that any ancient associated with them is just pointless, especially when, again, advancing just a couple boss zones is enough to make a basic enemy gold drop grant significantly more than even a chest at the lower level anyway.

The only one that can possibly be useful is the Idle gold ancient - mainly because he has such a higher ratio than any other gold ancient (25% at the first level, which is a sizeable increase), and even he isn't that useful simply because of the rapid increase of costs compared to monster drops.

11,891 posts

@Olinser: I think you're underestimating the usefulness to 10% chest rate and +50% * LVL bonus chest gold and -50% Hero Cost in the long term. There are a couple other Gold Ancients, but I don't think they're as useful. Utilizing Hero Soul bonus require ascension and that sets you back in time every time. More gold, lower costs allows you to power through the lower levels faster and get further in the higher ones.

650 posts

@Gantic- With 75% cooldown reduction and only about 80 souls in Morgulis I can already power through the all of the hero upgrades and to level 140 in less than an hour. The delay is only waiting a couple minutes for cooldowns - gold wouldn't get past the bosses I have to wait at any faster since there isn't enough gold to get a hero/upgrade that would let me kill the boss without cooldowns, by a significant factor.

At that point the only relevant levels are the 25x levels where you get x4 damage (and occasionally x10). Hero costs increase so steeply that the gold drops can't keep pace with them unless you farm for excessive periods of time. The answer is to reset and get more damage as soon as you slow down - not increase the amount of gold you get, which doesn't let you get any further in the levels before running into the same wall.

Heck, if you're trying to progress, by far your biggest damage upgrade comes from 75% cooldown reduction.

This allows you to use Abbadon's ability followed by Reload twice in a row (make sure you don't use other skills). That gives you a multiplicative 5% damage increase on effetctively a 15 minute cooldown. Just a few of those and your damage goes through the roof.

3,174 posts


There are two tier rankings for ancients that I can find.

Tier List 1
Tier List 2

Both of them put Morgulis at the bottom.

I suppose there are better ancients out there, but if he is helping you get things done why not?

Showing 46-60 of 216