You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
SoClose = 4Thats sad...
Penguins = 5Not sure if Snag wants to lose his penguin.
1d20=12Getting an out would be nice
TotallyAmGambling = 1I guess that kind of makes sense.
[roll 1d20 blk die plz]
this explains my story for this game
WhosOnFirst = 12This is madness.
Idontwanttogo = 19
FIRE = 18Aim for the Armatar!
RageInducing = 6We have yet to get a 20.
ShineOnYou = 9It's a Golden Experience you know?
[roll 1d20] Guess I have a flawless victory for now...
I messed up0...
YesitwasDrWho = 9
DrWhoForever = 19
TheSoundOfDrums = 15I feel SO sorry for you right now.
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