You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
HisPowerLevelisStuck = 18
20d=1d20I just MIGHT be hacking...
ThisIsAConspiracy = 10
Noitsnot = 19
20d=1d20just simple magic
CountToOneHundred = 3The current title for it is "Illuminati" how could it not be a conspiracy?
WhatAreYou = 12
20d=1d20is my power level too high?
Twenty = 8
20d=1d20and change you!
20d=1d20really, you need to change again.
Bye = 13
ThisMustBeAnExploit = 7
20d=1d20NO! U hav 2 change
NotBuyingYourAct = 5This is a test below.................[roll 1d20=1d20]
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