Out of curiosity -- I got my first badge/quest (the 10 captains one) at about 51% of game completion. I know that's a bit slow compared to some, but is that generally what other people are finding too?
Note for those trying to get the "Boss Rush" quest -- I completed this by killing the Zombie God Troll in "Massacre" rather than the Super Mutant Boss in "Den." It was a lot easier, I think, and perhaps one reason why it's the second-most completed quest out of the eight.
Has there ever been a more mislabeled or misleading set of quests? Easy quests are difficult, hard quests are easy, and the medium quests range all over the place.
Question: For the "Too Fast, Too Deadly" quest, where should I do this? I've let the threat build up in a couple of areas before taking on a Outpost Defense, although I miscalculated twice and lost the area due to overwhelming threat. Anyway, the best I've done in such defenses is about 41 KPM, and I can't see the score getting much higher -- the zombies just don't come in quickly enough to get higher rates.
I've been putting off "greening" a few zones as I try to figure this out. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!
It doesn't really matter where you do too fast, too deadly, so long as the enemies are zombies(and not mutants). You also need to have at least 1 rocket launcher - the aoe is necessary, and neither mines nor grenade count for 70 kpm. 70-90% threat works plenty fine... all you need is 70+ enemies really, because zombies are that squishy.
Freeside I is actually easier for completing the Boss rush: it's a 1 min sprint that's pretty open. There's no epic horde of enemies, no battlefield, respawning enemies, etc.... but it can only be done once.
I must be doing something wrong -- I'm having a difficult time getting an area to 70+% for an outpost defense; most of the time I lose the zone before I get a chance to fight. And even when I do reach 70%, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference; I'm still in the lower 40 KPM range.
Another problem -- I can't find Porterfield, the last inspector. Well, I did find him, but it's one of those stupid re-take the Inspector to the Shelter to register him things , I guess. The problem is, he's not in Zone 4 for me to take him to the shelter ....
Question/Comment -- Just got the "Decoy" upgrade on one of my outposts; this new Siege mission is probably a better way to get the "Too Fast, Too Deadly" quest, right? I'm on Wave 4 now an upped my best rate from 41 to 51 without too much trouble.
Question -- I still have not found the last inspector (Porterfield); I keep going into Zone 4 where the shelter is, hoping he might be there. If I "green" the area (just because I'm tired of protecting it), does that eliminate all chances of Porterfield ever showing up?
Question -- In earlier post, Gantic strongly recommended NOT to build a gate on an outpost because it would make it harder to beat the mission. Doesn't this lengthen the amount of time that the enemies have to break the outpost? I.e., they have to break down the gate and THEN the outpost?
Comment -- Unhappy with the glitches on these quests.
If you are struggling to finish these quests like I have been, a couple of points:
- 100% -- You do not need all the inspectors to get 100%. I have a bug where I can't find the last one, but I was able still to get 100%.
- The "Too Fast, Too Deadly" quest is a cinch on "Siege" -- just upgrade your outpost with "Decoy" (along with good siege weapons) and you're good to go. Note that this does increase your threat level for that area .... Also, the "Aimer" upgrade helps to track the mouse more quickly.
- "Assertive" (8 siege missions) was my final quest; a bit difficult, but doable. I suggest upgrading your first area ("Border" since there is more of a chokepoint there than in any other area. I was able to do it with two Gatlings and a Sniper; if you did the recommended Rocket strategy, it probably would be a lot easier. I also mashed grenade and mine the whole time ....
At any rate, I'm finally done with this set of quests. Party at my house later tonight.
You never will change Massacre to green. You don't need to .....
Are you trying for 100%? Neither Massacre nor Den are counted in the 100% figure. You have to upgrade all factories, outposts, and shelters.
Are you trying to get into another area? (One of the seven larger areas?) You have to complete the "Frontier Outpost" action in an area you control, on the border with an area you do not control.