Some lowlife spammers are polluting the forums at night.
I usually see them almost as soon as they post but I can't seem to find a mod that's available. Right now it's Saturday, 12:32 am (my time). There's spam going on in the programming forum.
Depends on what time at night @SSTG... since I live in Europe, I might be online when it's at night where you live... all depends on what time we are both up and about!
I agree with @SSTG. When I am online during the day time (asia), the forum is vulnerable. Which I see a lot. And the most active Mod's I see around the forums are @MrDayCee, @Gantic, @UnleashedUponMankind. Who are on at their time zones, leaving a time window for spam which like around 3-7 hours. Not basing it on facts or anything just my opinion.
Maybe it's time we need a new respectable mod to help out on a different time zone.
Top active mods in the forums (from what I have seen recently.) Nov - Dec, 2014
MrDayCee Netherlands
UnleashedUponMankind Germany
Gantic = Unknown, though research suggests he lives in a place that uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
MrDayCee 1:00 am UTC +1 = 7:00 pm Eastern Time (United States)
UnleashedUponMankind 1:00 am UTC +1 = 7:00 pm Eastern Time
Gantic (probably UTC) 1:00 am = 6:00 pm Eastern Time.
Conclusion: It is probably best to Count to 100 at 8pm onwards US time. (UTC -5), and also probably a time where AG is vulnerable to Spam.
@09philj Mods are ever-present. When they aren't posting in the count to 100 thread, it's because they are benevolent all-seeing beings gifting you with a period of time to play the game in peace.
I'm the End of the Edge of the World, the Guardian at the Gate of Tomorrow, the Sentinel of the Setting Sun. Nobody ever notices when I'm not around because nobody ever makes it that far.
I say the best time is somewhere between 10am-2 pm AG time for count to 100, I think 3 or 4 counts have gone through at that time, I'm at school then and they always happen then.