Inspired by the countless number of advertisements on this site, to play this game, come up with a product, and the person below will answer if they would buy it, with the price you would have to pay, and you can optionally add commentary as to why or why you wouldn't buy it
Note: these products cannot be real, but they can be parodies or somewhat inspired by real products
Post 1: A magical shoe lace that ties itself for $20
Post 2: I would buy it, I don't like having to bend over to tie my shoes
A Pegasus $2,000
Post 3: I would not buy it, Pegasus shouldn't be sold!!
Edit: you don't have to use money as price, you can use other things instead
Hell no. Stress is far more manageable than pain. By the way, I think that you must have never been seriously ill or injured to think that you can easily manage all pain.
A pill that increases physical strength by 20% at the cost of a 20% decrease of general happiness with life?