Don't worry, we won't be attacked any time soon. also, let's see if the Bestiary has been updated after this fight *opens Bestiary* we must fill it someday
Hey! *takes his bottle and reads the label* "89% alcohol" Are you nuts?! We have to keep ourselves sane for next battle! It's not a good idea to swing a sword while drunk. Heh, imagine that.
*Pulls bottle out of mouth* Quite a while, heh? In that case, I should start drinking *Looks at the bottle again*
But not this *Takes another bottle from the shelf. Opens and drinks.*
Ahhhh, much better.
Out of severe boredom, I'm just going give everyone total control over the tavern design. You name it, it'll be added automatically. What could go wrong?
Well, interesting, I'm going to change that clock, this one looks too... sinister for this place, how about a golden clock? *the clock in the Tavern suddenly becomes gold* I liked it
Well, this is interesting, but I guess we should be careful, sinister and evil-looking people could try to make something bad with this feature... people like... that guy over there *points to a sinister apparition of pure evil*
Don't worry. The tavern designer will allow you to create the objects so long as there's materials for it. However, this may lead to other objects going missing in the development of your object. In other words, equivalent exchange.