Hah! You missed Chryo!
*runs while drinking more invisible potion*
And, Hahi, I can give you my blood sample as long as you let me destroy each and every thermographic goggles in the Tavern
Skin sample when you give me more of this mango rum flavoured invisibility potio~ *slips on Fish's drool puddle*
But what you don't know Chryo is while I was running around, I found some plates that I've hidden in my now invisible pants, so your darts merely bounce off my... ugh my head hurts *pulls off tranq dart in the neck* nice shot Chry~*falls asleep*
Very kind of you, Chryos. That's... well it's a lot of blood. Perfect for my analysis!
Be sure to give this to Nietz for his blood loss. Just not everything at once.
*hands over a bottle with an ominous glowing red liquid before running off*
Ooo sweet!!!
*drinks green glowing liquid*
Mmmm... tastes like lime and... a bit of... hmmm... I can't seem to put my~ Ooo!!! What's this red glowing liquor? Does it do another thing? *faints*
You were supposed to drink the red liquid @NietzTheBlitz , which would have... *knocks bottle with red liquid off the table* *splat!* ... errr ... now it will do nothing anymore. Sorry! (I hope nobody saw this) Oi... look at the time! I'm late for... errr... something! K-bye! *tavern door slams shut*
*comes back* Time for a break! Chryos, can I hav- OI! Who spilled Nietz's medicine?! That thing is expensive and rare!
Speaking of Nietz... no wonder he fainted, but why is he sweating green slime?... Anyway, he needs a transfusion. Chryos, still got some of that Dragonblood mead left?