Disqus following would probably be better if people knew we could follow people, and maybe integrate so that people on your friends list would automatically be followed. I'm not sure how that would work.
People think disqus is terrible for them, but you don't even understand my pain with it.
Since I'm on a video game console a majority of the time I'm on AG, some things are rather restricted for me. Disqus is a huge example of this. I cannot check my notifications at all. Sure, if I pull up that little disqus window, it shows all my past comments. However I can't pull that up either. So every time I get a notification, I search around and try to find who replied. This especially drives me crazy when someone up votes a comment of mine.
Lots of people follow me but I don't follow anyone. Disqus is not the worst but it has a few problems. I just do not see the allure of following people.
@Daleks, trust me, I have 15 followers (and no, im not bragging, I actually don't care about people following me) and I barely know like 2 of them or so, it's basically allowing you to stalk people faster if you don't have an AG account and you come directly from disqus.
That's precisely what I don't like about it, also, the ridiculously long delay before some messages show up.
At least im not the only one on my point, and also, you can make the delayed appearence not a thing by editting the comment right away, but you can't do it if you're replying, and even so, there is no real reason for it to be that way.
I do that a lot and it seems to help but when someone else messages me, I often get them 2 or 3 days later.
The disappearing comment thing was reported to disqus IT almost exactly one year ago, when they very promptly ignored it, despite the fact that it is a serious detriment to their product, and one which will very likely become pandemic when more sites accumulate 3000 or more comments.
The disappearing comment thing was reported to disqus IT almost exactly one year ago, when they very promptly ignored it, despite the fact that it is a serious detriment to their product, and one which will very likely become pandemic when more sites accumulate 3000 or more comments.
Yeah, I was kind of hoping it would be fixed now. It's really hard to have a conversation with users because of the delay.
I still don't know how to "follow" users, and even if I did, I would feel like I'm joining a cult or something. I hardly know how to use discus, so if you follow me(looking at you, beast) I will either
A. not follow back because I don't understand how you followed me in the first place, B. ask you why you did so, it's a little creepy, or C. ignore it, yet still try to further my discus knowledge.
note: C is the least likely, I'm far too lazy and busy to try to learn knew things.
Anyway, since we seem to just be talking about discus features, can anyone explain what the heck the recommend thingy is? Because it seems I've recommended random conversations, but I have no idea who i recommended them to.
Hmm, I just want to point to everyone that I don't see people following me as creepy, and you guys shouldn't either. Think about it like a twitter feed, except here on Armor Games. I think it adds a social networking side to Armor Games, which is nice. Though that's my opinion,
Sorry, if I creep out some people by following them, it wasn't my intention to do so. ;(