ForumsWEPRCorporate Greed.

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Here's the latest info I gathered about evil corporations.
Do Not Track

Be afraid!

  • 29 Replies
13,055 posts

in the end, nobody is forcing you to buy from them. right? there are not many true monopolies left as i'm aware of. =)

That's what Comcast was trying to do by acquiring Time Warner Cable they would have controlled more than half of the US market when it comes to entertainment (TV, Internet). They would have doubled the prices for the service because there wouldn't be any competition to offer better prices.

5,129 posts

That's what Comcast was trying to do by acquiring Time Warner Cable they would have controlled more than half of the US market when it comes to entertainment (TV, Internet). They would have doubled the prices for the service because there wouldn't be any competition to offer better price.
(i have no idea what these companies do.)
glad we have regulations about market sharing here in europe. i dunno about usa, i guess it's something along the lines of "bigger is always better".

The only businesses I have a big problem with are the banks, because they're irresponsible with other people's money

buy a safe. =)

and the pharmaceuticals industry, because they are just straight up evil.

i agree with hahiha that "evil" sounds... kinda like a fairytale.
i agree that the pharmaceuticals industry is not clean, but evil? we live twice as long as we did 200 year ago...
1,708 posts

I think my feelings toward corporate greed can be summed up in three words:
SOPA and PIPA. These were two proposed laws, SOPA being proposed in the House of Representatives, PIPA introduced in the Senate. When they were first proposed, I didn't understand why people were so mad about it. My younger self thought that it was simply artists protecting their precious works. I dug deeper into the matter, and here is what I can conclude:

-SOPA and PIPA was originally designed to protect from copyright infringement, but failed horribly.

-If those two bills were passed, any website hosting licensed data without permission would be forced to remove it or face serious repercussions.

-This goes deeper. The website with the copyrighted content would have to remove it immediately, or else the entire website could be shut down.

-For example, if HBO finds a clip from one of their shows, let's say Game of Thrones, on YouTube, even if it's just a few seconds long, they have the right to tell the government to shut down YouTube over a single clip. Scary, isn't it?

-Eventually, if things worsen enough, Internet in the United States would be reduced to government-run websites. Everything else would be pay-to-use. We would all have to buy all of our entertainment from big companies.

7,024 posts

By the way, if you watched the second episode of "Do Not Track" did anybody type in AG when it asks for a site? I did and, while the number of cookies by itself is not as large as other sites that I visit about the same amount of times, it says that 90% of the cookies installed by AG are third party cookies... (which is about 155 for me). So I get why we need ads to function and cover maintenance costs, as well as the admin salaries and all, but, can anybody explain why so many cookies are installed by third parties? Is it automatic? (like, by agreeing to google terms of service you agree that google will send cookies to any site you create?) I get tracked from facebook on almost every site even though I don't have a facebook account for example.

Sorry for jumping into the conversation and changing the subject, I just have this question. Does anybody have the "knowledge" to explain? Thanks!

8,257 posts

The only really evil thing happening are those international trade agreements like TTIP and TISA that are being discussed and signed behind closed doors. They are of course only to the benefit of businesses (primarily American ones) and to the detriment of the people/countries. Here again it is all about money, but on such a scale that it merits the word evil.

2,825 posts

i agree with hahiha that "evil" sounds... kinda like a fairytale.
i agree that the pharmaceuticals industry is not clean, but evil? we live twice as long as we did 200 year ago...

You did watch the TED talk, right? Hiding unflattering trial results is a bit more than just unscrupulous.

5,129 posts

You did watch the TED talk, right?

no i didn't, but i know that it is more about the money then the people for many companies. however, if their products do not work, it wont be sold. i cant look at specific products. but i like to believe that in general the products do their job. and thats all i ask for really... =) (if the products didn't work in general, then how do we manage to stay alive twice as long?)

Hiding unflattering trial results

havn't we all done that? and arn't we all doing it when it helps our goal?

a dutch saying is "een leugentje om bestwil." roughly translated it means. "a small lie for good sake". i believe there is nothing wrong with a small lie sometimes or just not telling everything, if that helps your cause.

can anybody explain why so many cookies are installed by third parties?
befor it wasn't widely known that this was even possible. since word got out how and what. many people jumped the boat of getting and selling the info. kinda exploding the amount of cookies. it's been a few year now.. but cookies have always been there. it wasn't used for these things yet however.

by agreeing to google terms of service you agree that google will send cookies to any site you create?
what do you mean with "any site you create"? maybe you mean, "any site you visit"?
(cookies are not part of the terms of use. some countries demand a choice for users for excepting the sites cookies yes or no. this demand can only be made on sites that are hosted from that country.)

I get tracked from facebook on almost every site even though I don't have a facebook account for example.

this is info they are after.. "how many unregistered users are going to facebook per day?" this info can tell you how much and fast facebook could grow for example.
5,129 posts

i readed that last quote wrong....

I get tracked from facebook on almost every site even though I don't have a facebook account for example.

if the site you are on has a facebook share button then facebook will track you through that button. it's not based on a facebook account. or a google account. they track your computer/browser by cookies or whatever... i dont know the technical part...
13,055 posts

Comcast lost $336 million in it's attempt to buy Time Warner Cable.

I bet they're going to past the bill unto their customers.

5,129 posts

Im honestly worried now

no need, life go's on no matter what. + you are already being tracked by thousands of others. just like everyone who do not block them. =) (see 1st page for blocking trackers programs)
5,129 posts

but why add another one on top of those, right...?

why don't you just instal the programs?

it's just another tracker. what makes this one so special? is it special because you know about it? but you say you also know about all the others... =S

For now I guess I'll just ignore it.

ignore, forget, go on with life...
not always, but sometimes, it's just the best thing to do.
5,129 posts

The fact that I got myself into it basically on Purpose (no, I didn't mean to add another one, but I did trigger it myself, I even had a feeling it wasn't a good idea to go there before reading the whole text below it xD

we human.
we not perfect.
we make mistake.
we laugh at ourselves.
silly us...
13,055 posts

Exactly, otherwise dealing with trackers wouldn't be this big of a problem, they wouldn't even exist probably, so they wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

It's the idea that some weasels are building a database about our lives and activities and they're making money out of it, that makes me mad.
600 posts

On a related note...opinions/thoughts on the Supreme Court Citizens United decision from a few years ago?

Showing 16-29 of 29