Welcome all, to Double Danger. This game is akin to Russian Roulette, only double the chance of losing, hence the name Double Danger.
How to Play:
- Two six sided dice will be used to play. (The "revolvers")
- There will be a selected number that will serve as the "bullet".(EX: 3)
- Each player rolls both of the dice.
- If he/she rolls the selected number in at least one of the dice, they will be eliminated from the round.
- The last player remaining in the game will be the winner of the round.
- Each player must post two consecutive times.
- Each round will last four days.
- Each round will have a different selected number.
- One season, or one whole game will be five rounds long, or 20 days long. The rounds consist of: Starters, Selection, Quarters, Semifinals, Finals.
- If a player is eliminated, he/she will have to remain inactive from the game until the remainder of the season.
-There can be a maximum of 20 players per season.
- The winner of Season 2 will receive pending
EDIT: Rule 5 has been changed. The elimination penalty has been changed from armatar change to inactivity. This is so that more users can be able to play.
Dang, I really, really need to be more active sometimes. Anyway, Double Danger has been revived by me. Signups will start today and will end exactly one week from now, at 4:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time.