Thought of this just now while I made a random post on the count to 100 thread, could be fun.
Template: Roll any die or set of dice. "If I roll a (number), (something)."
Example: 1d20=16
If I roll a 17, God exists.
Is it roll 400, I will delete this account. 20d20=226
If I DON'T roll a 400, I'm actually going to get everything I would want to have in my life!20d20=252 edit: YAY!
If I roll a 400 I will fail in a test. 20d20=224
If I roll a 400, I'll be the first one to have rolled a 400! 20d20=194
It I roll a 400, I as immortal. 20d20=190
If I roll a 400, I'll be the first trillionaire person in the world! 20d20=168
If I roll a 50 I'm going to jump on 🇺🇸n land... Cuz I'm #MURICAN
Edit America = 50
If I roll a 400, I'm going to Europe TODAY YAYEurope = 190
If I roll a 20, I'll make a Armatar = 49
If I roll a 400, I'll yell "YAY!" 20d20=177
If i roll a 10 i'll be gone for longer 1d10=8
If I roll a 5, the people who are gone for a long time ago will come back to AG PleaseComeBack = 1 edit: D'oh!
If I roll a 5 I am a good person.
If I roll a 400, this thread won't die (again) 20d20=199
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