I'm well aware many of these threads have been made in the past, but with some stir going on about MBTI I decided to make another personality type thread. For those of you who know nothing about this I suggest you google it, or refer to this link.
The site I'm linking here, 16 Personalities, has proven to be very accurate with its results. I recommended it to friends and family and they all say it is extremely accurate. I suggest you read the articles about your personality type so you can get the most out of this test. Post your thoughts in the thread.
Lets start off with me. I am an INTJ, which stands for Introverted, iNuition, Thinking, Judging.
I got S.W.A.G.
S-Sweet ***
I'm surprised, I have been told my butt is on point but I wasn't expecting even a test to say so.
I am ISTP-T (This time, that is)
Slightly introverted
Slightly more observant than intuitive
More thinking than feeling
Far more prospecting that judging
And a slight turbulent identity
Some quote from my section:
The biggest issue ISTPs are likely to face is that they often act too soon, taking for granted their permissive nature and assuming that others are the same. They'll be the first to tell an insensitive joke,
Very strongly agree with this. I tend to think most people have a thinking process similar to mine, and screw you if you get offended by my joke.
People with the ISTP personality type struggle with boundaries and guidelines, preferring the freedom to move about and color outside the lines if they need to.
Something I'd strongly agree with as well. I enjoy testing boundaries and seeing what I can/cannot do in certain situations (or how people react).
keeping their personal matters to themselves, and often just prefer silence to small talk.
Absolutely. I may have a different idea of how personal something should be than others, but I tend to keep things to myself rather than going through the bothersome route of talking about it. Also if our choices are awkward small talk and silence, then yeah I'll stick to my own thoughts. Awkward small talk is too much hard work for its worth.
--the entire relationship part--
I agree with.it 100%.
ISTPs are unusually popular, almost in spite of themselves.
I took the test 2 times, but I preferred the results of the second test. I got the INFP-A personality. When I saw the strengths and weaknesses page, I was like OH MY GOD!
Hmm I am ESFP-A...Extraverted, obServant, Feeling, Prospecting, Assertive. I don't know if I agree
Something that is useful in this case is to review what you've done in the past as a reaction or action to something, your memory can be your best friend when taking the test. What people do unconsciously in their day to day basis is what you should focus on, as appose to what you think you do.
Alright, time for the percentages. My percentages are 38% Introverted, 38% iNuitive, 47% Thinking, 35% Judging, and 45% Assertive.
T is for turbulent.
Also, in case any of you guys didn't know, on the first page(after clicking read more) if you scroll to right above the comments you see all the famous people who have your personality. Me and apparently laggyboy share a personality with Homer, Bjork, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Tom Hiddleston.
The test concludes that I'm an ISTP.
9% Introverted [actually an extremely low estimate, due to the test's adherence to "crowd anxiety"/"wall flower" stereotypes]
38% Observant [also low, because apparently rational people aren't allowed to have imaginations]
74% Thinking
13% Prospecting [a catch-all class consisting of various things that don't really go together]
98% Assertive
Overall; a very poor fit. Worse still is the description, only a few fragments of which I could identify with my personality. Their reliance upon the Forer effect to expand the boundaries of the class well into the extroverted and intuitive domains was duly noted. And at the end, they have the gall to presume that the reader must be astounded by how well the site's creators understand them. I am not impressed.
@ScrewTheLag, I got the same results too, but the Assertive variant instead. I'm not very poetic either, but there were some of the things it mentioned that were very accurate about me. For example the Take Things Personally is one of my major characteristics, while there are others in smaller rates that are true about me.
Other derivatives of the Myers-Briggs personality tests call this one "The Idealist". That's what I've been getting a lot of lately. I think about the future, SQUEE when the future is announced, wonder how the future could be better or be quickened. I even get angry when I see people effectively stopping the future from existing. But wow, that personal image part was hit on the head. I hear the INFJ personality is the rarest among men and women, that would explain a LOT why I could never fit in in middleschool and highschool.
So, apparently, the INF personality is one of the rarest,
In order of rareness that would be INFJ (1-3% of the population), ENTJ (2-4%), INTJ (2-4%), ENFJ (2-5%), and ENTP (2-5%) of the population according to myrers-briggs.org.