Everyone gets mad at something now and then, whether it's that annoying loose thread on a t-shirt or a really messed up politician. What makes you mad?
For me, it's when people constantly try to get my attention when I'm currently doing something. For example when I'm reading, watching tv, even when I'm going to the bathroom.
Everyone gets mad at something now and then, whether it's that annoying loose thread on a t-shirt or a really messed up politician. What makes you mad?
When rich idiots say stupid stuff on TV. You know that Orangutan imbecile with a huge ego who likes to say "You're fired on TV"
It's already painful to suffer those ignorant riches who buy their way into TV but when they open their mouths, that's when you realize how pathetic they really are. Ever heard of rich losers? They are losers who happen to be rich.
Michael Gove. Former minister for education, now secretary of state for justice. Having gained the enmity of the teaching unions and students, he's moved onto everyone else.
Goat simulatr--wait, no, i love those goats.
lot of things tee me off, mainly people...mostly people... specifically stupid people, like game devs who make a 3rd game in a series..and it's worse than the 1st and 2nd, that one really gets my goat among others.
And peple who think puns are funny. They should just kill themselves.
What if they actually have funny puns? Then that works does that not? BOOM.
But people who say swimmers are weak. Like really? Just because youre a football jock doesnt mean i cant beat you up. Come on, ill go to one of your practices, you spend a practice in my pool. See who has more problems. Grow some respect for other sports.
But people who say swimmers are weak. Like really? Just because youre a football jock doesnt mean i cant beat you up.
What do you expect, 90% of the football players are idiots and after banging their head too many times they get even more stupid. They graduate only because they're good on the field, not because they are doing great in math of Physics. Later they get hired by an NFL team and get paid millions. You then get a rich rapist idiot with enough money to afford the best lawyers whenever they commit a crime.
Swimming BTW is a great workout. If you combine swimming and bike riding you get the best workout ever.