This thread is really simple. Just make up an outrageous reason why the user who posted before you has been put in jail. Eg: philimaster is in jail because he enjoys poking goldfish with carrots. Please keep it light!
You are in jail for posting in this site.
You're in jail for posting over twice a day!
You are in jail for having 5180 posts.
Jailed for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
Is in jail because he isn't staying up til 3AM anymore. Or maybe I just don't see him.
In jail because I have been staying up late, but not on AG.
you're in jail for an undisclosed incident involving David Cameron and a pig.
In jail because he was away from this site for a day.
You're in jail because I remember when I was about to reach my 3,000th post.
You're in jail because I also remember it!
Is in jail for replacing all of the fruits in the world with green vegetables! Oh, the humanity!
You're in jail for not having eaten pineapples today!
You are in jail because you used the computer this week!
You're in jail because This was a triumph I'm making a note here: Huge success
I jail because I bribed the police to put you in jail instead of someone else!
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