ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
18,319 posts

Cyber Transcendence

I'm a digital god. Meaning I'm only a god when it comes to the digital world. Immortality might work outside cyber space, but everything else most likely won't.

Monetary Manipulation

I can control money and all things related to wealth. This means I can generate money, attack with money, and even change the value of things. I can make a pile of dirt worth millions of dollars. I can essentially topple society itself with this power. This is nice.

Enhanced Shieldmanship

Captain America. You don't even have to read the power to know what I got. Captain America is all you need.

I'm a digital god, able to control money as well as being really good with shields. Not too bad. The monetary manipulation is probably my favorite on the list though.

8,259 posts

Ink Ball Projection
I can throw balls of ink.

Divine Bomb Generation
"The user can create and launch bombs, explosives and other volatile constructs composed of divine energy/power, which can have various effects on the target."

Technology Stopping
I can make any technological gadget fail through various means. Basically this modern age's worst nightmare.

I can throw balls of ink and bombs of divine energy, as well as stopping any technology from working. Don't know if I'll ever use the ink one, unless I suddenly become inspired and do modern art Otherwise, a neat set!

18,319 posts

Key to the Door

I can be a key in order to open something specific. Great... something I really can't use.

Visual Linking

It's kind of like mind reading, but instead of reading minds I'm able to see what people are looking at. More useful than the first one.

Spatiokinetic Entity Creation

Finally something I can attack with!... except it's not directly. I can create living things out of space. The only user of this is Tabuu from Smash Bros Brawl, so just imagine that guy.

I'm a key to a certain lock, I can link my vision to another person's, and I can create living things out of space. This isn't a really exciting set and it's barely useful in a fight.

8,259 posts

Unconscious Mobility
I can do stuff while asleep or unconscious. Built-in autopilot, in a way. Not sure if this is actually helpful or not.

Heaven Manipulation
I can manipulate and control the heavens and everything in it, including any angelic and divine beings that reside there. However, I am apparently limited to manipulating for good purposes.

Causality Manipulation
"The ability to manipulate causality. Basic principle behind all Supernatural Abilities. Most rational expression of Omnipotence."

I can move and act while asleep or unconscious and control heaven and causality. I'm a bit worried that the combinaiton of the latter two with the first may result in an indescribable mayhem, but causality manipulation at least is a top tier power and awesome.

18,319 posts

Enslavement Branding

I can brand a symbol on someone and I can enslave them. This is cool!

St. Valentine's Day Entity Physiology

Wow that's a long name. Anyway, I'm basically Cupid. However, I have a lot of manipulations like candy manipulation, flower manipulation, love manipulation, and lust manipulation. Of course, there's also Cupid's signature power and that's love inducement. While I do see the &quotower of love" as cliche in many forms of entertainment, this is a great power to have.

Big Rip Inducement

For those unfamiliar with the Big Rip; it's like the opposite of the Big Bang. So I could literally end the entire universe with this power. Sometimes there's a thing such as too much power... definitely one of those cases. Also not a very nice Valentine's Day surprise.

I'm the entity of Valentine's Day, able to enslave others and end the universe. A pretty great set.

18,319 posts

Boneless Body

You know you're in trouble when the main picture shows a very minor character from Skyward Sword...

In all seriousness though, not having bones isn't too bad of a power. It makes me immune to bone manipulation, and I can be more flexible without my bones. This is going to look weird.

Palingenesis Embodiment

I am the embodiment of rebirth, meaning I can resurrect things and control what they're reincarnated as. I was satisfied with this power until I saw the limitation: "If the user doesn't get reborn or re-created, this power will not work."

So yeah, this is literally useless until I get re-created.

Air Generation

Oh come on! Do I have to explain why this is useless?

I'm the boneless embodiment of rebirth who can generate air. This set sucks.

8,259 posts

Purification Immunity
I am immune to any kind of purification or purification-based powers. The untold baseline is that I am irrevocably evil/corrupted.

Afterlife Prevention
I can prevent people from reaching the afterlife, which could result either in the souls being trapped in limbo, or people unable to die. Not sure if the latter grants actual immortality or just a kind of undeath; undeath sounds more appropriate for that power.

Falsehood Empowerment
I gain power from lies and falsehoods. They call this placebo empowerment and alternatively falsehood empowerment, but the two things are not strictly the same. I think they just called it placebo emp. because it sounds cool?

I am immune to purification, can prevent you from reaching the afterlife, and grow stronger with lies. A nice little hellspawn, to say the least

7,022 posts

Steampunk Physiology

The power to be/become a steampunk mechanism. Like Songbird from Bioshock Infinite xD Applications include Self Sustenance, Semi Immortality, Vaccuum Adaptation, Super Strength and others

18,319 posts

Object Constructs

I can create objects out of other objects. So I can create a sword out of paper, a chair out of diamonds. Anything I can touch I can turn into something else. Obviously a good power.

Emotion Absorption

I can absorb emotions and utilize them for myself. This can also drain the motivation out of my targets so that's a plus.

Safe Mode

It's basically a form that can increase my survival in certain situations. I can basically escape anyone who is hunting me down.

I can create objects out of other objects, absorb emotions, and have a 'safe mode'. I guess this isn't too bad. Better than yesterday.

8,259 posts

Spirit Magic
I have magical abilities that revolve around spirits and souls, which gives me several pretty neat applications, and possibly access to even more powers by channeling a particular spirit in my body.

Hydrokinetic Invisibility
I'm invisible in water.

Duality Transcendence
Wow. With applications such as Absolute Existence, Causality Manipulation and Metapotence, this power is definitely top notch. Also, I think it's one of the first powers I got that derives its strength from not making sense

I am a shaman that turns invisible in water and transcended logic, enabling me to do whatever I want. Something like that.

18,319 posts

Water Wave Emission

I can make waves from water. Although, the description says I can also make balls, rings, and other things that I don't really consider to be waves. A power where I need a source, but thankfully that source is water.

Spark Vortex Creation

I can make a vortex of sparks. DC speedsters like Flash and Kid Flash are listed as having this power so that's cool. Not too powerful, but cool.

Dimensional Storage

I have my own dimension where I can store things and grab them back out at will. I can also use this power to suck up oncoming attacks. Handy!

I can create waves, a vortex of sparks, and my own dimension that I can use to store things in. Not too bad.

18,319 posts

Ageusia Inducement

Well, I can cause someone to lose their sense of taste. Chefs beware.

Heat Slash

Using a blade, I can cut things with a very hot cut. Set's getting better...

Toxikinetic Creature Creation

I can make creatures from poison. While I think this is the best power in the set, it's definitely not a great power. Especially since I have to find poison.

Yeah, not an eye-opening set today. Honestly, kind of disappointing.

7,022 posts

Life Force Inhibition

I can inhibit the flow of one's Life Force. This basically disables and paralyzes targets. An ok power.

Light Empowerment

Pretty self explanatory.

Entropy Reversal

The power to restore the universe to order. This is the ultimate support power. I can revert any element into a solid, liquid, gas or plasma form regardless of surrounding temperature, prevent or even reverse aging, heal wounds, etc.

18,319 posts

Flashover Inducement

Oh, so I can control fire, smoke, and heat in a confined area. This can allow me to kill an entire room of people within seconds. That's awesome!

Clubbed Tail

I can use my tail as a blunt weapon... and I have a tail. Not super useful but can't complain too much I guess.

Crime Inducement

I can induce criminal activity. Causing people to do crimes ranging from theft, murder, arson; anything really. Not too bad of a power.

I can cause a flashover, induce crimes, and I have a clubbed tail. I like the first one, the third one is mostly indirectly useful, and the second one is kind of weird.

8,259 posts

Ignorance Embodiment
I am the embodiment of ignorance? Great -.- Apparently, this includes doing things I normally couldn't do because I ignore the fact I couldn't do them. The power is void if I understand my own ignorance.

Absolute Cuteness
Forget about kittens and puppies; I am the cutest thing ever.

Hair Infusion

I can infuse objects, beings or powers with hair. Hair!

I am the dumbest, cutest being in existence and can infuse stuff with hair. Kill me. Please.

Showing 631-645 of 685