ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
6,257 posts
8,256 posts

Let's try with three too and see where this goes.

Feline Manipulation
Ugh. Cats, really?

Rage Form
Hulk! I could never play Dark Souls with that super power... or use it as a trigger

Oblivion Embodiment
Sounds totally ******, though I am not sure about the applications of such a super power.

7,024 posts

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Whoa...I actually read are pretty gifted! Cool powers (especially suicide inducement)...even though I am fine with the ones I got by hitting that "random page" button.

Feline Manipulation
Rage Form
Oblivion Embodiment

Hate to say it, but yours are a bit...underwhelming...all of them! You were unlucky...maybe next time!

Mine were pretty cool:

Tornado Creation
Organic Shield Construction
Reversed Effect

8,256 posts

Hate to say it, but yours are a bit...underwhelming...all of them! You were unlucky...maybe next time!

You're just jealous, is what you are! Granted, feline manipulation is stupid. But rage form à la Hulk, Dark Jak, or Super Saiyan can potentially be very powerful. And read the applications of Oblivion Embodiment: energy/anti-energy manipulation, erasure immunity and boundless elimination are hardly "underwhelming".
Anyway, here's my next random superpower: Radiation Generation. According to the lengthy known users list, this seems to be one of the more frequent superpowers. Boring.
3,165 posts

I made this before R2 made the thread and showed me the wiki on the chat, and I got Abjuration

3,826 posts

Oh, this is a super cute idea!

Unbrakinetic Combat
No idea what this is - even after reading the description.

Neurocognitive Deficit
I like this one. Makes people confused or unconscious.

Adrenal Activation
I guess this goes well with my silly darkness fighting power.

1,828 posts

Bullet Projection
Eectromagnetic Constructs
Killing Intuition

So basically I can have an army of electromagnetic contructs, shoot something and know how to kill anything

assuming the best case I can shoot electromagnetic constructs at your weak points :P

BTW moegreche Unbrakinetic combat is simple, you control shadows/darkness :P you can make darkness

9,323 posts
7,024 posts

You're just jealous, is what you are! Granted, feline manipulation is stupid. But rage form à la Hulk, Dark Jak, or Super Saiyan can potentially be very powerful. And read the applications of Oblivion Embodiment: energy/anti-energy manipulation, erasure immunity and boundless elimination are hardly "underwhelming".

Ok, oblivion embodiment is cool (I didn't really understand upon reading it for the first time what it actually was ). But rage form is just a physical power...mental/psychic ones are far cooler in my opinion.


@Gogotank 's alignment: Good (inescapable)

Adrenal Activation

Funny how our greatest mentalist and literal Brain-in-a-vat has this power...So what are you going to do with it @Moegreche

Killing Intuition

Such a cool power...definitely one of the coolest in my opinon (my alignment: Chaotic evil apparently)

So I did this a lot of times, so I will skip the countless powers I found, and just do it again now, to see what my next powers will be:

Degradative Resurrection
I'd prefer to be able not to even have to get in a weakened state, but well, better than nothing I suppose

Even Feline Manipulation seems to have cooler effects (both visually and aesthetically)

Fairy Aura
Excuse me while I go to my corner and cry, as this is an embarrasment for a Daemon Prince of my stature *cries*

4,002 posts

I got multiple faces. Good because i clicked random hoping for invisibility. Kinda closeish.
EDIT: uh... i didn't actually read the article and then realized it means several faces, not interchangeable. on second though, that's plain freakin weird.

17,384 posts

So I took a shot at it and got these as my powers:

Pure Moon Manipulation: Okay. But I guess it's more useful at night and mostly for support I think.

Geo-Thermokinetic Constructs: Unless I'm near a volcano, then this isn't a good one. Then again, I could bring it out of the ground which would make me deadly.

Portal Manipulation: Decent at best. At least I can expend less energy moving from one place to another.

Overall, my powers are okayish. Nothing good, nothing bad.

13,055 posts

Thermo Healing: I put my hand on someone and he or she's healed instantly.
Don't look for a link because I actually have this power. Okay I can heal but not instantly, it takes at least 15 minutes. There you have it.

3,171 posts

Fairy Aura
Excuse me while I go to my corner and cry, as this is an embarrasment for a Daemon Prince of my stature *cries*
It could be much worse.

Moegreche it's not actually that (as I understand it at least) it is just a defensive power, you can make yourself intangible and look cool while you're at it because you turn into a shadow for the time being.
The applications are listed as Enhanced Combat, Invisibility/Shadow Camouflage, Shadow Armor, Shadow Generation, and Shadow Infusion.


I got:
1 Subterranean Attacks. Kind of neat.
2 Doubt Manipulation. Was there ever any doubt?
3 Arachnid Manipulation. Not very interesting, but okay.

824 posts

VVV Please read if you find superheroes and powers interesting VVV

Cosmic: I would want The Silver Surfer's power Cosmic, not only because Silver Surfer is debatably the most powerful superhero in his annihilation mode, but also because what comes with the cosmic power comes these abilities:

superhuman strength, endurance, and senses and the ability to absorb and manipulate the universe's ambient energy, navigating through interstellar space hyperspace, and blackholes, time travel with the user and others, converting matter into energy making it so the user does not need food water air or sleep, can survive within any known environment including space, hyperspace, black holes and stars, can project energy in various forms for offensive and defensive use, including bolts of cosmic force powerful enough to destroy entire planets, and create black holes, heal living organisms though he cannot raise the dead, the user can also revitalize and evolve organic life on a planet wide scale, can cast illusions, can create inter dimensional portals to other locations and micro verses, phase through solid matter, this user is able to detect objects and concentrations of energy light years away and to perceive matter and energy in subatomic detail, including life energies of living beings (don't worry I don't know what that means too), can see through time, telepathy, mind reading, and control human emotion and sensation. The power's one weakness is the user's "item" whether it be the typical "surfboard" or other item be separated from them, if the "item" get's destroyed the user can repair or recreate it with little effort.

If you read all of this thanks so much! Silver Surfer for best superhero ever!

7,024 posts

It could be much worse.

Yes...but you see here is the thing...when it comes to superpowers (and generally nearly everything in life), it can always get worse, but rarely any better.

i.e. I stumbled upon various silly powers myself like Fish Physiology or Balloon Mimicry, but fairy aura is not just silly, it is totally useless when held by a Daemon prince.

Subterranean Attacks

Neat...but decent like you said.

Doubt Manipulation.

Cause your opponents to not want to fight you! This is a cool mental power.

Arachnid Manipulation.

Cause your girlfriend to freak out any time you feel like it

These are the applications I can think of

New random power I got:
Pure Wind Manipulation

So apparently, pure winds are un-corrupted ones (is this even a thing ?...O_O)

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