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ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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18,319 posts

You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
18,319 posts

Memetic Physiology

I'm a meme, an idea that's spread through people by other people informing them from any kind of communication. Not the internet memes(although that would be cool). With becoming a meme, I'm able to control the minds of other people, I'm basically an infection. Memory Erasure can wipe me out though.

Electricity Manipulation

Honestly, out of all of the element powers(things like fire, water, earth, etc.). Electricity Manipulation is probably my favorite. On top of controlling electricity; I also have Electromagnetism Manipulation, which is just magnetism but through electricity. I love it because it's a power that can be very useful in a lot more situations than other powers out there. Love it.

Death By Horror

Better hope I don't set up a haunted house. You know, this could work really well with my first power if I have people believe in something terrifying.

I'm a meme that can manipulate electricity, and can kill through fear. Honestly probably my best set compared to the last few

18,319 posts

Parasite Physiology

I'm a parasite, which is a creature that can benefit itself from a host and can hurt the host. Possession is even listed as a power. Yay! Unfortunately I need a host to survive.

Solar Energy Absorption

Awesome! Not only does this give me solar attacks, but it can help me with the limitation of the first power. This is a very useful power.

Malignance Nullification

If a user attacks me with the intent of evil, I can nullify their attacks. Doesn't matter how evil. So that's pretty good.

I'm a parasite that can absorb energy from the sun and can nullify attacks with evil intentions. This is a pretty good set.

17,384 posts

Heat Empowerment

The ability to draw strength from heat. I guess as long as the Sun is out or there's a fire nearby, I can be fairly strong. Of course, this means I'm susceptible to the cold.

Ballistic Scream

The ability to destroy objects through sound waves. I can even target certain objects and it's enough to either level a town or destroy a planet.

Precognitive Dreaming

I can predict the future by sleeping and dreaming. Not much to say here.

I have a voice that can destroy things just by screaming and can be powered up by heat to make me stronger. I also have the ability to predict the future whilst I'm sleeping. Decent set except for my weakness to the cold.

18,319 posts

Basque Deity Physiology

I have the abilities of the Basque Deities. A lot of Air Manipulation, but there's also storm manipulation, spring manipulation, stellar manipulation, war manipulation, etc. Lots of manipulation powers. Obviously good.

Emotion Augmentation

I can increase any emotions of anyone except myself. Now realize, I can only increase emotions. However I could still use this to my advantage in a fight, like having an enemy 'blinded' with rage and other emotions. I like this one.

Pride Empowerment

I get more powerful from me or anyone else near me being prideful. So if anyone gets major satisfaction from fighting, I want you with me.

I'm a Basque deity with the ability to augment emotions and gets stronger through pride. Honestly, not a bad set. Not bad at all.

42 posts

Adaptive Mind
Primal's (Marvel Comics) hyper-instincts enable his mind to quickly adapt to different scenarios, whether on the battlefield or even in a courtroom.
Power/Ability to:
Adapt mentally to new/changing situations.

The power to mentally adapt to new/changing situations.

The user can quickly adapt mentally to any situation/event, never being caught off guard in sudden changes, and instantly reacting to new situations. They instantly and automatically analyze and understand any environment or situation, and deduce the best possible course of action, allowing them to make the right decision in all situations.

Instinct Manipulation (Self Only)
Intelligence Enhancement
Intuitive Perception
Instant Learning


Accelerated Probability
Action Adaptation
Clear Mind
Enhanced Instincts
Enhanced Intelligence
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Wits
Maximum Brain Capacity
Mental Evolution
Neuro-Psychic Knowledge
Parallel Processing
Reactive Adaptation
Tactical Analysis


May have limits as to how quickly or how many changes in situations one can handle.
May not be able to keep up if one loses focus.
May need intelligence to use this power properly.

Known Users

Jason Bourne (The Bourne Identity)
Primal (Marvel Comics)
Near (Death Note)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal Rising)
Hit (Dragon Ball Super)
Kiyo Takamine (Zatch Bell)

18,319 posts

Animal Kingdom Embodiment

Wow starting off really strong. I'm the embodiment of the Animal Kingdom. This gives me all animal-based abilities(the entire category) and Nigh Omnipotence. I think I'm actually going to stop here for today. This power is just too good.

8,253 posts

Ice Vortex Creation
The ability to create ice vortices. Watch out for that frosty, glass-sharp shrapnel tornado!

Supernatural Vision
It's just that, supernaturally good vision. Always useful.

Music Generation
This is only considered a superpower thanks to the ability to generate music out of thin air. Everyone can make music with an instrument, or their voice/hands/whatever.

I'm a keen-eyed living boombox that can generate deadly ice tornadoes. A rather strange combination.

18,319 posts

Enhanced Visibility

So I'm able to be noticed more easily. This is just popularity, which I guess can be useful? But not really something used to defend myself.

If anything, this power could potentially cause me to be more exposed.

Earth Energy Manipulation

Now this is what I'm talking about! While this isn't earth manipulation, I can still control geothermal energy and geo...magnetism? Never heard of that before but it sounds cool! I could get down with this.

Force-Field Constructs

I can use a force-field and use it to create things? That's awesome! Never really expected a power like this to exist, but it's very useful from the looks of it. And unlike most construct powers, I don't need an already existing source to use it as I can create an existing source. Awesome!

I'm super popular with the power to control earth energy and create things from force-fields. Yay! It doesn't suck!

8,253 posts

Effect Field Projection
Just the ability to cast a field anywhere which applies a certain effect to everything within it. No specific effect is listed, so it could be anything from the list or more, but the size and power of the sphere/effect depend on my skills.

Lunar Negation
The ability to negate lunar energy. Awfully specific power that is worthless in most situations.

Love Inducement
The ability to induce love in others. Not really what I'd want to spend my time doing, though it could be a working defensive strategy

I'm a sort of magical cupid able to cast effect field spells and negate lunar energies. Meeehhh.

18,319 posts

Apprehension Immunity

The power of having no concerns of any kind. Not exactly sure how useful this could be aside from maybe having a focused mind. The only application I get is Evil Immunity and I guess that's good.

Temporary Invincibility

Self-explanatory. It's like the invincibility extra from the Lego games except this one's temporary.

Honor Empowerment

I get strengthened through honor. Hopefully I'll be able to receive a lot of rewards and responsibilities if I want this power to really work.

I'm immune to all worries, I can be temporarily invincible, and I can get stronger through honor. Lots of defensive powers, but not really good with offensive. So this set kind of disappoints me.

8,253 posts

Psionic Speed
I can enhance my physical speed with my mind. That's nice.

Charging Reliability
You see, this power doesn't sound like much, but is a potentially extremely useful power. It means I continue charging an attack even if I am interrupted in mid-charge. Of course that is only useful if I actually have an attack which I can charge, which is not the case right now, but consider Skyrim's master spells that take a little while to cast; I could start casting, evade an attack, and wouldn't have to start over, but just continue. That would be sooo practical!

Organic Wing Manifestation
OK, this is a slightly icky power as I can form wings anywhere on my body out of my own organic tissue, like bone, skin, blood, or I suppose even brain tissue? :/ The good thing is that I may form the wings to provide defensive or offensive support.

Today I can grow wings out of my own tissue to fly, defend or attack; increase my speed with my mind; and could reliably charge attacks if I had charging attacks. You know, even though the better of the three powers is obsolete in this combination, they're all pretty neat!

1,917 posts

Paradox Defiance
So, If I have time manipulation I can kill my grandfather!

Light Negation
I wonder how this could be useful... Maybe make the enemy blind?

Magic Invisibility
So I can be fully invisible: Use light negation To make me invisivle and blind and use this for evading magic detection...

4,755 posts

Temporal Polearm Construction
I can make a polearm weapon construct like f.e. halberd, spear, poleaxe. Goku Black had similar power.

Pathogen Manipulation
I have power over all forms of viruses and pathogens. I could both cause and heal epidemias.

Killing Intent
I could transfer my killing intention to my foes minds - if it's strong enough they start having hallucinations of their own deaths, so it paralyzes them in fear. I could also enrage them to attack so they charge into a trap. Orochimaru in Naruto had similar power.

1,917 posts

Vibration Blast
Look! I can cause similar things to a earthquake!

Earth Embodiment
Now I can be The Earthquake!

God Hand
Well, This is quite OP... Hope I get something like god of sloth I don't disappoint my patron god...

18,319 posts

Psychic Acid Manipulation

Kind of confused about this power. I think I can control psychic acids(whatever those are) and use them however acid manipulation users use their powers. However, I can apparently corrode minds. I don't know what it does to the victims exactly, but it sounds cool.

Time Bullet Projection

I can shoot bullets made from temporal energy. I mean, sure. Not terrible.

Totality Connection

I can travel to any universe at will. No restrictions. So this is pretty cool. Can't really fight with it, but if I'm losing a fight I can just leave the universe.

I can manipulate psychic acid, shoot time bullets, and travel to any universe at will. Not too bad of a setup I guess.

Showing 646-660 of 685