ForumsThe TavernA Survey on Human Rights

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Yo! Roger here. You can call me Ed, though. It's a, uh... short-long story.

Not sure if I should be posting this here or on the WEPR section - given it relates to politics a lot right now considering the european migrant crisis, but my approach has a theoric, "non-world event" tone to it -, but I'd like to ask you if you have a spare moment to talk about human rights.I have this college project that involves me interviewing a couple of people about their knowledge of human rights, so in order to take the most eclectic samples, I thought I should come to an eclectic community to ask around. So, would you like to help me with that?It's quite short and doesn't really require you to do much, other than answering to these six questions.

1 - How are you doing?
2 - What's your education level?(you don't have to be really specific for it; answering if you're in high school or college, for instance, would suffice)
3 - In your words, what's the concept of "human rights"?
4 - Could you cite a few examples of what would fall under the "human rights" category?
5 - Do you have any criticisms regarding the constitution of the human rights or the way they're applied in your community or around the world?
6 - Any other comments you'd like to add?

There aren't many rules to it. I'd just like you to answer sincerely from what you know and not from a specific research for it (if you did research about that in the past, do tell me about it, but no need to research it solely to answer those) and also not taking much from any other replies that might be there. The purpose of this research is to have samples from popular opinions around the world to compare with my classmates' interviews on the locals.

I think that's it. Thank you very much in advance for your collaborations.

P.S.: Hey, I'll save the text of this opening post in case I've actually messed up the topic category, so I can create it again in the proper one if it's the case.

Edit: formatting

  • 4 Replies
8,253 posts

@Roger721 Don't worry about saving the text, we can just move this thread to the right section if need be Now discussions about human rights are definitely WEPR material - however, as long as this stays a survey I guess it is okay in the Tavern. As soon as a larger discussion spawns, please inform me (just leave a message by my profile) and I'll move the thread.

7,022 posts

Hello @Roger721

Nice to hear. Good luck. So, let's answer your questions:

1. I am fine thank you ( )

2. College so far...

3. I'd say that the human rights are basic liberties that all humans are entitled to, regardless of sex, race, age, social group, any other factor really.

4. Sure. Definitely the freedom of speech. The right to work. Also, the right to be free in general, to name a few.

5. I sure can name a few instances that come to mind in which human rights are violated. But overall, I think the very basic rights are applied to most people around the world.

6. Of course every person must be entitled to all the human rights, not just the majority of the population. But I don't think this can be improved too much in a short timeframe. Perhaps long term plans can help with it though.

I think that's it pretty much. Hope this helps

1,100 posts

@HahiHa oh thanks! I didn't know it was a thing you could do - it's been a long while since I last came here; the forums seem quite different.

Uhh, I didn't want to have to update the topic through a new post, but I can't seem to edit the opening post again - an error says I'm "forbidden". Sorry for not knowing why - as I said, I haven't been here in a while. Thing is I happened to forget a question:

7 - Where are you from? (informing the country or, if you're not comfortable with that idea, the continent will suffice - do differentiate if you live in/are from North, Central or South America, though!)

While I'm at it (i.e. given I had to make a new post) I'd like to thank @Doombreed for taking the time to be the first to answer to my survey!

And thanks in advance for any replies that follow!

7,022 posts

@Roger721 No problem XD

7. I am from Greece, that bit in my profile is accurate

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