> I'm a forumnaut with pride
> I... errr... *sigh*... oh... I forgot who I am... I hope you're happy now, you made me forget who I am, Fish! I have to check my "history" to remember... but I don't remember how to check it... meh, I'll be a new person... I must...
> I am Swarmlord2. I have a unicorn called Mr Rainbow and I am trying to work out the answer.
> I'm doqck. If there's one thing I love doing here, it's to blow my way up to the forum games' objeqcktives.
> I'm Chryosten (also known as Darkfire45) and I like randomness. I also like to solve stuff and am currently trying to solve this riddle.
> I'm just here to be condescending and obstructive.
_____ Stage One??? | Stage Two | Stage Three | Stage Four | Stage Five | Stage Six | Stage Seven
I got it! I know what we should do! we shouldn't SAY new things as they create more questions, we should answer the questions with our own quotes! (also, wow, @Chryosten got the 69th reply)
I don't understand that... he IS predictable, so we must be too in order to get some more... hints about what's happening here. this wasn't a predictable sentence