> I'm a forumnaut with pride
> I... errr... *sigh*... oh... I forgot who I am... I hope you're happy now, you made me forget who I am, Fish! I have to check my "history" to remember... but I don't remember how to check it... meh, I'll be a new person... I must...
> I am Swarmlord2. I have a unicorn called Mr Rainbow and I am trying to work out the answer.
> I'm doqck. If there's one thing I love doing here, it's to blow my way up to the forum games' objeqcktives.
> I'm Chryosten (also known as Darkfire45) and I like randomness. I also like to solve stuff and am currently trying to solve this riddle.
> I'm just here to be condescending and obstructive.
_____ Stage One??? | Stage Two | Stage Three | Stage Four | Stage Five | Stage Six | Stage Seven
We all know we're filled with pride however, there does seem to be zombies coming after me now that I've stolen the idol. Of course I collect more pots of flammable liquids, toss them at the zombies before lighting them on fire with this conveniently placed torch.
there does seem to be zombies coming after me now that I've stolen the idol
STOP USING FIRE! we're on a ship! we're going to sink!
i have an idea *breaks off a small, sharp piece from his armatar* *somehow wraps a piece of wood around the bottom half of the piece* now we have an insanely dangerous dagger. let's get rid of those zombies! *starts slashing the zombies*
Good, but you used the only free slot you had in your inventory, you can't drop it now! well, if I were you, I'd learn how to use it well like a ninja *space-time gets disturbed and a ninja appears out of nowhere*
oh no