> I'm a forumnaut with pride
> I... errr... *sigh*... oh... I forgot who I am... I hope you're happy now, you made me forget who I am, Fish! I have to check my "history" to remember... but I don't remember how to check it... meh, I'll be a new person... I must...
> I am Swarmlord2. I have a unicorn called Mr Rainbow and I am trying to work out the answer.
> I'm doqck. If there's one thing I love doing here, it's to blow my way up to the forum games' objeqcktives.
> I'm Chryosten (also known as Darkfire45) and I like randomness. I also like to solve stuff and am currently trying to solve this riddle.
> I'm just here to be condescending and obstructive.
_____ Stage One??? | Stage Two | Stage Three | Stage Four | Stage Five | Stage Six | Stage Seven
It's hard to remember about myself because I forgot who I am, but all I remember is that I used to be an Austrian dentist... I came here by 2013 I think... I only remember there was a... oh... I don't remember what was that, I don't remember anything after that...
I believe the aim is to guess the user based on the line that Gantic gives in the OP.
I hope you're happy now, you made me forget who I am, Fish!
here, ap is referring to fishpreferred, and neither of them was a forumnaut at the moment the secret rift chamber of the nefarious ganticombs opened. what if we fuse the two users, hoping to get an accurate guess of the user gantic refers to?
then I... oh... *sits and gets sad*
I know the answer now... everything we did was a lie... we are just an experiment... a number... we can't escape... we'll never be free... maybe nothing here is real...
I know the answer now... everything we did was a lie... we are just an experiment... a number... we can't escape... we'll never be free... maybe nothing here is real...
Well, now I finally understand what's going on now.
I am someone and nobody at the same time. I exist and don't exist at the same time. I possess many things, both useful and useless. I also have a penchant for experimentation and a desire for craziness.
Before knowing this place and what we should do, we must know ourselves, everything is getting more and more "visible" as we discover ourselves... we know more about this place... I can hear water right now...