This is a battle of the sexes. If the poster is male, he will add 1 to the number above him and then make a comment of any sort he wishes. If the poster is female, she will subtract 1 from the number above her and make a comment. If the number reaches 0, the girls win. If the number reaches double the starting number, the guys win. For instance if we start at 1,000, the guys win at 2,000. Please always leave a comment with your number so it doesn't devolve into just another counting game. Comments obviously make it much more interesting.
All forum rules apply. Keep the comments civil. No double posting.
We will start with:
1,000 - This game can be really fun and a good way to have ad hoc conversations.
Amended Rules
All of the above still applies EXCEPT:
• Girls may now subtract 5 per post owing to the fact the forum demographic is skewed so much toward males.
• Each new game will begin at 50 until further notice.
• Turncoats are allowed. Meaning you may post for either gender regardless of your own gender.
50. My thoughts on chess... I like playing chess. What I learn when planning on board I can implement in other things in my life. Well the other things mostly consist of other games that require strategic and tactical thinking, but not necessarily only games. If I were on managing position I would use this type of thinking to manage company's resources, so in my free time when playing chess I'd kinda keep developing my managing skills.
50. There's plenty of ways to get used to the basics of it. Nonetheless, I may be close enough to mediocre at it myself that I shouldn't be commenting...
50. I don't want to be the only one changing the subject so I'll just make a nondescript comment that chess is great and I really wish wizard chess existed, even though it's not that different from normal chess. I suppose it's just that it would be pretty cool if a lot of things in Harry Potter existed in real life.
51. You'd like to play wizard chess... check quantum chess then xD Maybe there's less magic and more science involved but anyway it seems fun. It's like normal chess but involves quantum mechanics (mostly Schrödinger's cat paradox)
51. You have 2 options in such chess: traditional or quantum moves. Quantum move: when you move chess pieces that way they might be at the same time in every possible move. Then all the moves continue without knowing if former were true until one of the positions of chess piece is attacked - then game calculates the real position of that figure basing on RNG. Also two moves in one round are possible when using quantum moves but that way it may happen that chess piece didn't move even once (so it's 2 moves or 0) Quantum Chess Hawking vs Paul Rudd.
49. Quantum chess sounds really interesting. However, watching my brain melt or explode is not. Therefore, dabbling in quantum mechanics too much sounds like a bad idea.
49. That still involves quantum mechanics and would still be confusing. Nonetheless, quantum checkers sounds all too interesting. That would kinda be fun.
50. All wizard chess is is chess with animated pieces. You just have to play it in a virtual setting here in muggle land, easy enough. I assume there are wizard chess MMOs out there.
51. Chess is on its own very challenging for brain and adding new rules makes it super confusing. Maybe quantum checkers are funnier to play. They made them already but unfortunately only for iOS.