A fair question that may have certainly crossed your mind during the past few months... well then, let me fill you in (finally, ugh) on what has been going on! Y'ready?
As you may know, the online game developing community has been making games that are constructed with 'Flash Software' for a long time now. But a few years back the sad news was slowly spreading over the internet that 'Flash' would no longer be supported and updated at some point... There was the need for a new standard in online gaming software, which would soon turn out to be 'HTML Software'. This software is increasingly used for new games and will eventually replace 'Flash' as the main standard for game development.
"So? What does this have to do with Quests not being launched?!"
I hear you wonder... well, the answer is actually quite simple. In order to keep launching new Quests for the games hosted on Armor Games in the future, there needed to be a shift towards the new 'HTML Software' in order to continue our awesome feature. And this is exactly what we have been doing during the past months! We have been working hard to prepare for the transition from 'Flash' to 'HTML' and make sure you can keep earning those shiny Quests!
We recently started up launching Armor Games' Quests again with the brand new release of Quests for Shorties's Kingdom 2 (check 'em out if you dare... ) to start off with. Even though this set is still 'Flash' based, we will slowly release more from here on out. It will be mixed at first, but will progress into 'HTML' games as well. Please give us some time though... it is all new and may experience some bumps and hickups along the way.
But we will get there!!
We hope this clears up some confusion and answered some questions for you. If it did not? Please feel free to ask them here and we will try and answer them for you.
So... TL;DR?
HEAR-YE! HEAR-YE! We are launching new Quests again!! HUZZAH!!