ForumsWEPRRepublican or Democrat?

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Obama or McCain?

Romney or Hilary?

Elephants or Donkeys?

Which side are you on?

  • 143 Replies
950 posts

I think there's a reason Socialist isn't a major party in America.

It's because of your politcally opressive two-party election system and your corporate lobbyists.

Im a republican and I voted for Mccain. For everyone who voted for Obama, do you see his true meanings now. He suckerd everyone in to beliving his lies and now he is trying to turn us into a socialist country.

He didn't lie about anything. He said he wanted universal health care, we are hopfefully going to get universal healthcare. Everything else he just refrained from saying

By the way if Mr.Obama is such a socialist then we all would not have as many problems as we do under our capitalist system.

Fox news is fair and balanced, for every republican on the show they have a democrat to argue eachother points and views. On the issue of health care and showing how he plans on solving it, do you mean the 1,000 page proposal filled with flaws. Also were do people, from around the world come to for medical reason, oh yeah thats right here "America", not canada were everyone has health care. We have the best doctors in the world and medicine because of our health care system.

Fox News is not fair and balanced, everyone on there is a conservative nut job. That must be why you watch it.

Flett, you should put your periods and question marks where a lot of your commas are.
63 posts

Fox News is not fair and balanced, everyone on there is a conservative nut job. That must be why you watch it.

Your right Fox news is conservative but they have liberal's on the show to show for two points to every arguement. Watch CNN and MSNBC they dont have republicans on to argue with liberal views(not all the time, like fox does). When you have spare time watch one day of FOX news, one day of CNN, one day of Fox news, and then One day of CNN, you will see my point.

He didn't lie about anything. He said he wanted universal health care, we are hopfefully going to get universal healthcare. Everything else he just refrained from saying

Read my statement again, I disagree with universal health care. Also he told us many other things that he would do but now has renigged on, just one example taxes he told us that they would go down. Any idiot should of not said that, in times like this, one of only ways out of reccesions is cutting goverment jobs and raising taxes.
1,036 posts

By illegal I meant doing something illegal.check this out...

1,287 posts

We have the best doctors in the world

Wow...really? Do you actually think that? Now Canada doesn't have the best doctors in the world by any means either. But guess where the United States is on the World Health Organizations health care rankings? Number 37. Behind Canada, Israel, Costa Rica, and Colombia.

When you have spare time watch one day of FOX news

Oh, I watched about 5 minutes of it on the internet. Then some dude said democrat's were nazis. If he had any brain in his head he would know that the republicans are closer to fascism on the political spectrum than the democrats.

raising taxes

those were the only two words I agreed with in that whole schpleel (Wow, I've always wanted an excuse to use that word!)
63 posts

Wow...really? Do you actually think that? Now Canada doesn't have the best doctors in the world by any means either. But guess where the United States is on the World Health Organizations health care rankings? Number 37. Behind Canada, Israel, Costa Rica, and Colombia.

We have the best specialist, people from around the world come here because of that. Also Fox news and the Nazi deal was most likely someone they had on the show, because I watch Fox news almost everyday and the only people that say crude things like that on there show are people they invited on the show and goes the same way with the far left extremist liberals they have on the show also.
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