End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business.
This is a perfect example. The question should ask, "Should government support corporations?" Welfare is such a dirty word to many people. And the second sentence is not reqauired for the question. "Handout" implies laziness. I am all for ending corporate welfare, but the question is worded to make most people select "yes."
Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security.
This question also leads you to "yes." Because if you select 'no' then you are saying people shouldn't be able to choose. The quiz does not give you the negative side to privatizing SS.
1.Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet. ~ notice Internet is capitalised to make it stand out more
2.Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft ~ it does not clarify what military service it is, Marines/Air Force are very different.
3.There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults. ~ consenting means agreeing, permitting. so this says no laws for agreeing adults. agreeing to what? /confused/ if they mean agreeing to sex then you could point out only adults are mentioned
4.Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs. ~ point out two negatives, no laws not allowing. again only adults?
5.There should be no National ID card. ~ i didn't understand this and only guessed it is like a drivers license to a country. isn't US the only country with actual states in them? i really found no reason why/why not to
1.End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business ~ quotes signify a disagreement and using the cause's words against the cause, handout implys laziness
2.End government barriers to international free trade. ~ i found barriers to be quite a strong word compared to free trade. for a freedom lover the word free would stick out to them
3.Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security. ~ another freedom i am actually against. strong words: let, control, own
4. Replace government welfare with private charity. ~ replace government, private charity, distracts from real question. welfare yes/no?
5.Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more. ~ 50% is quite a big # and they say or more. cut taxes, the average person would think "but what will pay the teachers?"
I don't label myself a Republican or Democrat. I'm liberal on many subjects, however moderate on others. But I doubt you'll ever see me saying something conservative. Anyways, I wish there were more major parties. Because recently both have been acting selfishly and stupidly.
Democrats have moved from the left to the left side of the right. And Republicans have moved from the right to a crazy house. - Modified quote of Bill Maher.
Democrats have moved from the left to the left side of the right.
Democrats have always been left side of the right. The United State is a moderately conservative nation when compared to the rest of the world. Nearly everyone in the U.S. is afraid of the real left (socialism, communism, etc.)
Wait, WTF Colonel. You're part of the LSPAG (Liberal Socialist Party on Armor Games) Why the hell are you suddenly a conservative now. In your profile you have this: