Exactly, although I wasn't always a Satanist, for a while I had an Agnostic view of religion. Sadly I was a Christian, from all the brainwashing I endured as a child but then I opened my mind to the truth to see the lies.
I'm not sure Satanists care about the ending of the world because they do not believe in an afterlife. They just believe that you cease to exist. At least in LeVayen Satanism.
Well basicly what I think of Satanism thanks to Kurgle now, is that:
It's just another["mad" -> all religions are mad] Religion... I mean look Kurgle has a PC... I bet you run a normal life... just as a beliefer of Satan[Ok maybe you have to do some things to prove you worship him, but besides that]
LaVeyan Satanism is a religion founded in 1966 by Anton LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, social Darwinism, self-indulgence, and "eye for an eye" morality, with influence from Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand, while its rituals and magic draw heavily from occultists such as Aleister Crowley. Borrowing Crowley's terminology, its adherents define Satanism as a "Left-Hand Path" religion, rejecting traditional "Right-Hand Path" religions such as Christianity for their perceived denial of life and emphasis on guilt and abstinence. Unlike Theistic Satanism, which is rejected by the Church of Satan as Christian heresy rather than Satanism, it does not literally worship Satan, but rather uses "Satan" as a symbol for people's natural inner desires.
in other words it is just like any other religon, im a die hard christian and i dont bash other religons and satanism is basically another way for ppl to express themselves. (im even against it but thats just me, believe wat u want)
kurgle, you an idiot, the christian god doesnt hate people, he simply loves them, satan is not father, god is, satan tries to turn you to do wrong stuff to do bad things.
So full of ignorance DivineDarkness. You're 'God' hates humans and it shows through the atrocities he has committed over the years. Satan is my Father and he does not turn me to 'Sin' according to the xian bible. If anything I have improved my life because of it.
Let me tell you, that site was MADE to fool teenagers - it tells you everything you want to hear, and it's convincing. I went through the 'rebel' phase, I joined JoS - I now realize it is all a bunch of bollocks.
Salem Burke knows how teenagers feel, and that is why he made a whole site specifically made to target teenagers and convert them to the false religion - Satanism.
I am an Atheist, so I'm neutral, I don't favor Christians any more than I favor you, thought I'd clear that up.
Kurgle, Theistic Satanism gives you the idea that you will see/talk/interact with Satan. Ever got woken up from bed while in the middle of a dream? You go back to bed wanting to continue the dream, but you can control your actions in that dream, but it's still a dream because the people you interact with will respond in the way other people do in real life, you do not know their response. I don't know how to describe it, but hopefully you get the message. That is when Satanists say they 'see' Satan, they are in the state where they can imagine anything, believe it is true, because they want to believe it.
P.S. If you are a member of JoS, let me assure you that the testimonies are all written by Salem Burke, the creator of the site.
to be serious, satanists treat me so much better than the hardcore christians, as ive posted before i live in the middle of the bible belt, and you cant look the other way without seeing a church, and christians tend to label everything as evil, when its nothing, and ridicule everything that isnt what you belive, satanism is another religion and people should respect it