
160 35544
163 posts

What are your views on this subject?
I , being a Spiritual Satanist myself, would like to see what people think about it.

  • 160 Replies
3,722 posts

Honestly, this is the one "religion" that i just can not respect. I am sorry but it is just wrong flat out. It has no evidence to back up it's beliefs and is very creepy.

873 posts

@ricador, how is satanism weird, they worship something christians call evil, its there opinion

70 posts

Kurgle, you call God a "human hater" then answer me this, why did he sacrifice his only Son so that you could be forgiven? What has Satan done for us? Nothing. You may think that he gives YOU power but what does that do for the rest of humanity. God is all loving, and all forgiving, all he asks of ANYBODY is that they simply ask for his forgiveness. If Lucifer wanted to be forgiven all he had to do was just ASK, but he was too proud. I however pity Lucifer, God created him with his pride, he never had a choice in the matter. However, it was good that he stands in opposition to the Lord, without suffering there can be no compassion, and his malignancy has generated so much greater good. But it ultimately boils down to this. Satan used to be an angel, this means that he must do exactly what God designed him to do. So for all of Satans "might" and &quotower" he is just another, all-be-it unwilling servant of God. All of his efforts, and yours by following him, simply play into the the TRUE Lord's design.

39 posts

I don't know much about satanism, and thus can not respect it or hate it. All I know is that I don't see extremist satanists flying planes into buildings.

564 posts

yea,i dun know much about satanist so i can't comment.
Kurgle,can you tell me
1)wat's the origin of Satan and
2)is he a deity or wad?

i am just dun blame me if i had offend anything =)

48 posts

i agree with donosld, what has Satan done for us? God on the other hand, has given us warmth and love, NO the world isn't perfect but we are trying our best to make it as good as it can get. I am very against big corporations.

48 posts

(only the big corporations like Mcdonalds... and Wal-Mart, things like that)**

10,816 posts

Eh, it would be good if everybody would realise that cross-talking between 'mythic' continua is not going to go anywhere: is there any real diametric opposition in the "Satanism" being discussed here? That's only possible if both the Christian and the Satanist 'mythos' are actually one and the same...and since expressions differ, it appears this isn't the case.

Actually, Skyla's post on page 9 seems to shed most light on the matter. We need some specific titles/associations here.

163 posts

You may think your 'God' has done things for you but all you are is seeing the things the Xian church wants you to see. Xianity was made to dumb down the masses psychic powers and put it into the hands of a select few, and Father Satan puts knowledge into the hands of those who ask of it. That is what he has done for me. Also, your 'God' did not create Satan, the xian god is just some supernatural being that likes to cause chaos and direct malice towards everything it does not approve of. It knows the power of the human mind and it fears it, that is why it has corrupted the image of Satan and the Demons, to keep the knowledge they give away from Humanity.

@ Everyone with questions about the religion itself
Go here[url=]
This will explain everything you want to know. Anything of the occult can be proven scientifically. Also before you go, keep in mind Spiritual Satanism is not about 'evil'. Good and evil do not exist.

564 posts

.. the site creep me out.
i hate the part where they wrote enter,with red coloured text.
so i just closed the window.
how bout u tell me the answers to my questions here?

163 posts

I don't know everything but I'll try.
To tell the truth I do not fully know but I believe that he has always been in existence, along with The Original Gods. (the "Demons&quot

And what is a wad?

564 posts

err,like somehow a life form?actually dun why i put that up too,no u dun have to answer that.
so who are the original gods?

291 posts

@ Everyone with questions about the religion itself
Go here[url=]

I knew it!

Kurgle! DO NOT be fooled by Salem Burke! He is definitely a fake! That site was MADE to manipulate teens into joining Satanism!

I know how marvellous it sounds to be superior to the rest of the people, but you need to understand that Satan does not exist, neither does God. It's common sense!

Then again: 'Common sense is not so common' - (Voltaire?)

By the way - JoS was written by Salem Burke, even the testimonies, he deleted the accounts of people who tried to spread the word.

You may think your 'God' has done things for you but all you are is seeing the things the Xian church wants you to see. Xianity was made to dumb down the masses psychic powers and put it into the hands of a select few, and Father Satan puts knowledge into the hands of those who ask of it.

Ahh! The words of Mr. Burke: "The church was made to control the power, and only put it in the hands of a selected few." Think about that for a few minutes - EXACTLY, it makes NO sense.

This will explain everything you want to know. Anything of the occult can be proven scientifically.

That is pretty much copy-pasted from Note that our old friend Burke does not mention HOW it can be proven scientifically. Come on! Putting a dummy on a tree (named binding spell on JoS) curses someone CANNOT be proven scientifically. This is pretty much all he does: say something, but never back it up. He knows teens will believe anything they want to believe.

Also, I noticed your question a few pages back, I say JoS is a bunch of bollocks because it was made by Burke ONLY for teens, because he understands what they want, and he says they will get it if they join. You are just one of the people he fooled.

Satanism has made contradictions, too. Even more than Christianity! At one point it is said that Satan wants us to love each other, on the next page is a list of spells to kill someone. There are many more, I was amazed when I first discovered them, but I forgot a lot about religions and the such.

Just a few points, Kurgle:-

The human mind has no 'secret locked power' - do not let your brain become clouded with the idea that you might one day become a Demi-God - it won't happen. If it has happened, don't you think Mr. High Priest Burke would be enjoying his fame now?

The founder of JoS is a nazi.

Kurgle, please look at other threads where many people, including myself, have had great debates about disproving God - the same would apply to disproving Satan.

-Skyla <3
70 posts

From your post it seems to me that you don't worship "Satan" as Christians refer to him. The Satan Christians refer to used to be the highest of angels "The Morning Star" Lucifer. Who upon refusing to bow down to God's greatest creation (Adam aka. humanity) Was cast out of Heaven, lead a revolt with 1/3rd of the Angels (aka. Fallen Angels, aka. Demons) and lost (duh...). So it seems to me that you don't really worship the Christian Satan (which is good, our version of Satan is evil, and seeks only to destroy humanity because they were the reason he was cast from Heaven). Rather you seem to be pagan, and worship a deity which you think promises you "secret powers", whom the Founder of your "religion" just apparently named Satan in order to get some stimulus from "reverse Christians". Sorry buddy, but in reference to Skyla's post (although I differ from her, there is DEFINITELY a God) it sounds to me that you're just caught up in a cult, similar to the FLDS. Even Christians are encouraged to doubt their belief, and I suggest you take a good hard look at your "religion."

70 posts

From your post it seems to me that you don't worship "Satan" as Christians refer to him. The Satan Christians refer to used to be the highest of angels "The Morning Star" Lucifer. Who upon refusing to bow down to God's greatest creation (Adam aka. humanity) Was cast out of Heaven, lead a revolt with 1/3rd of the Angels (aka. Fallen Angels, aka. Demons) and lost (duh...). So it seems to me that you don't really worship the Christian Satan (which is good, our version of Satan is evil, and seeks only to destroy humanity because they were the reason he was cast from Heaven). Rather you seem to be pagan, and worship a deity which you think promises you "secret powers", whom the Founder of your "religion" just apparently named Satan in order to get some stimulus from "reverse Christians". Sorry buddy, but in reference to Skyla's post (although I differ from her, there is DEFINITELY a God) it sounds to me that you're just caught up in a cult, similar to the FLDS. Even Christians are encouraged to doubt their belief, and I suggest you take a good hard look at your "religion."

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