I as a strong beliver in catholicism get quite a bit of...how do I say this...rippage. People will usually, rudely question everything about my beilifs (sp?) and sometimes some even go far enough to say that cathocism is a occult. So let's clear a few things up: A. We do not worship mary. We pray to her because she is the mother of the son of man. So she plays a rather important role. B. Our bible is a tad different from protestant bibles we have two extra books. Exodus and Revelations (I think. Can't remeber right now.) C. The Big piece of bread and the wine we get is blessed and it's is the body and blood of christ as a sacrament. This is called the Eucharist. If there are any other questions I will be pleased to answer them.
I as a strong beliver in catholicism get quite a bit of...how do I say this...rippage.
Well, here is my thing about religion. I think people should be able to follow whatever they want which they can. I don't go to church but I do good deeds. I don't mind religious people unless they try to shove that religion down my throat.
My Lutheran Church has a Catechism as well. And I don't think the Catholic Bible has two extra books. I'm pretty sure it's the same as most Protestant churches. Interpretation is the real difference.
The Bibles used by Catholics and Protestants are not the same. Catholics and Protestants use the word "apocrypha" differently. There are OT books that are considered apocryphal by all Christian churches, including Catholicism. There are other books, called "Deuterocanonical" by Rome, that are considered part of the canon by Rome, and are considered apocryphal by other Christian churches. These Deuterocanonical books are: Tobit, Judith, First and Second Maccabees, The Book of Wisdom, and Ecclesiasticus (NOT to be confused with Ecclesiastes, which is accepted as canonical by all Christian churches). Protestant churches do not accept the deuterocanonical books as canonical, and you will not find them in their bibles.
Another difference are the texts from which the translations were made. The Catholic Bible is sourced primarily from the Latin Vulgate and Codex Vaticanus. The early Protestants used the Textus Receptus. This difference is not so pronounced today with many different versions available for Protestants being sourced from additional texts.
i was born catholic but my family stopped being practicing catholics many years ago. i don't go to church. i believe in God and try to be "religious" by not sinning (as much as i can) but i don't consider myself having a set religion. i believe in heaven and hell and the bible. i guess i don't have a religion, i'm just a believer in God.
Hahah, no one has seen 'rippage' of Catholicism? Then buckle yourselves in kiddos...
The Catholic Church has been responsible for more total wrongful deaths and murders than any other organization in history. Kill the Protestants, kill the witches, kill the heretics...Kill anyone that stands in the way of our God. It is more or less a terrorist organization masked in a veil of holy cloth. The rules that it expects it's followers to adhere to are ridiculous. They essentially deny every person the ability to try and enjoy their short lives to the max. All for what? Some promise to get into a mystical land where angels play trumpets and everything is perfect? Yeah, that sounds like what I want to do. Live the life of a deprived individual, then rot for years 6 feet under. False advertisement was illegal I thought. Even to this day, they expect everyone to listen to their Pope. Apparently one old man chosen by other old men has the last word in everything. Does not matter if you are atheist, Buddhist, Islamic or what have you. If the Pope gets up on his balcony with his funny hat and says something, you should do it! Or else God hates you. What gives their church power over everyone, making crucial decisions for day-to-day life and everything else? In my book, I make my own life choices, not an old Nazi in gaudy clothing.
You're forgetting that almost every religion except Hinduism has waged their wars for their own purposes under the guise of ideology. And the thing about the Pope being a Nazi? It's not like the Hitler Youth was like "Hey I'm going to join the Boyscouts" It's more like "Hey You're joining the Boyscouts Brainwashing begins at 0600 hours. Don't be late or you're in trouble.
But wait, don't get me wrong, if you choose to be a catholic, that's okay by me. All that I'm saying is that the catholic church has a very bloody past. And I also don't appreciate the strictness of the whole thing. There's so many rules and regulations I just can't keep up.
Also remember all the crazy inquisition and Crusade stuff happened during time when the church was corrupt and decadent. It happens to the best of us, all throughout history.
Look, not that I want to defend organized religion or anything, but looking at the events as "The Church" doing them is really taking the blame off of The People that actually committed these heinous acts. People can go on and on about religion is an excuse for war/murder, but I remain unconvinced. Religion is a man-made construct just like time or origami, so I don't see how an entity like this can be made responsible for anything at all - good or bad.
Awesome point. I'm not defending them, but the people lived in the days before public education. The main perpetrators probably enjoyed what they did or didn't know any better. But to fair, during the Inquisitions it was with us or against us, otherwise you're a heretic.