Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Whatever yours is looks fat 4/10
7/10 its cool but i like the cool people/animal designs they make you look cool.
it's a good armatar, but i seen better.7/10
10/10. Absolutely amazing. Whoever made it is a genius.Was a bit tough to make the glow effect too. *cough*
Your armatar is cool too. Really awesome.10/10
I love that avvy, don't you MagiX..its just a work of ART...Loool9 outta ten cuz the the creator of it is a 'genius' -rolls eyes-
thanx, but i don't really like yours. (sorry)6/10
9/10 nice armatarp.s. be nice with my pierced guy, he is so sensible.
yea i like your Armatar, but how many points do u need to get it?8/10
Once again, whoever made it is just brilliant. 10/10
I think the Ghost is cool 9/10
Eh. I just don't like it all that much. Too much hatred methinks. 7/10
You drew that one MagiX but it's stil cool. 9.9/10
You caught me. :P 8/10
again a awesome armatar10/10
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