Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Classic armatar 6/10, cause it reminds me a teddy bear.
hey Elite!hey goumas!your armatar is nice goumas 9/10I like cute annimals armatar Elite 9/10
Aww Ninja'd! 8/10
Aww Ninja'd!???Your armatar is kind of good.8/10
I like the fox.9/10
5/10. Not a big fan.
As i said before. I miss the old one, but the new one isn't bad either.8.5/10
would have liked it if it was scary but since it is still pretty special. i give it 8 on 10
flaming skull ...........................Nice! 9/10 I like and not many people use it!
I find it creepy O_o8/10
You made that one... right? 10/10 it looks great and I love the mouth."oh dear" adam.
Pixie, your old one was so much cooler!4/10
Pixie, your old one was so much cooler!
I like it personally.9/10
pretty good armatar.7/10
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