Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Once again, and again. The artist did an amazing job. 10/10[/brag]
hehe funny 8/10
ok armatar7/10
Pretty sweet. I just like it cause it reminds me of Xbox.9/10
I actually like that armatar. I use it sometimes, even though it's the first one.
Strange to want a pest as an armmy.I still like the blend of dark red to black though, so...8/10
I love your Armatar It can't be used anymore 9/10
It's good. I like it. I remember when Firetail had that as his armatar. 8/10I miss my old armatar ;_;
I miss my old armatar ;_;What was it?Your armatar is cool, but i wouldn't use it, but it's still a nice armatar8/10
What was it?
;_; i miss your old one too.Rating you because i'm too lazy to scroll up to see who's above you.8.5/10 Although it's nowhere near as epic as your old one, it's still a decent choice.
Person below me rank person above me.That would be spaming if i would rate myself, so i will rate u again.Even if u didn't rate me >:O Just kidding...8/10
My second favorite armatar that the site allows for selection.Other than my ghost, of course. :P10/10
hehe ur gost is indeed a nice Armatar. Hope it will come back on Halloween.10/10
hey,loloy,your's 9/10,i always liked foxes
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