ForumsWEPR[necro] Death Penalty

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803 posts

I haven't been on much lately so I decided I would post my own topic. I don't believe this topic has been done recently since I checked the stickied thread with topics. I will state my reasons on why I believe the death penalty should be put in place for all murderers. It is fine if you disagree but let's make this a good and clean debate. Don't just say "You are wrong." Alright, well here I go.

1) I will start off by saying that the death penalty (that is only for mass murderers) was recently stopped because they said the method was too painful. So, someone who brutally murdered one or more people should die besides feeling the same pain? Where is the justice in that? I believe that you should get what you give. If you do good deeds, then you should be rewarded nicely. If you kill someone, you should be killed.

2) The next part I will go into is jail. Oh yes, we make jail seem like the worst place possible. Bed, toilet, workout room, safety, and 3 square meals per day. Now, safety is different in different jails. I know that so it can't exactly be supported. However, why do we give them a workout room or some sort of a place to lift weights? I am curious to this. Okay, so we are making rapists stronger and making it easier for them to rape when they get out. Why do they need 3 square meals per day? I went to a soup kitchen last year and I almost cried at how many homeless walked in because they didn't have anything to eat. We are treating criminals better than people who never harmed anyone. Where is the justice in that? Don't tell me the homeless made bad choices because it can happen to anyone. Also, bad choices? What about the person who chose to kill someone? I think that angers me the most. Really, jail looks like heaven to some people so they hurt someone else.

3) I will go into the issue of money. It costs us around $30,000 per year to take care of ONE convict. Now, I am just supporting the death penalty for murderers. The people who never harmed anyone are taking care of people who killed other people. What is wrong with this picture? We are taking care of them instead of the poor who never hurt people. That money could go to so many good issues like cures and health care. I will say the green movement just for you, Carlie. Anyways, now you will say it costs too much to use the death penalty. I think we should kill the murderer the exact same way the murderer killed someone else. This leads me into my next point.

4) Can you imagine going through the pain of being killed? Let's take it through the victim's point of view. Can you imagine the torture of what happened before you died? The pain would be terrible if the murderer stabbed the victim 100 times. I know the victim would die before that but it shows a point. That is why I believe the murderer should be killed the same way. Let them feel what it is like to go through that. Now, let's take it through the family's point of view. Your relative was just murdered. Now, be honest, what would you like to happen to the person that killed them? You would most likely want them dead which is why the death penalty should be put in place.

5) I know we can't be 100% sure of who the murderer was. However, DNA is 99.99% so very close. Also, why would their DNA even be on the victim or around the scene of the crime? They most likely had something to do with it. That makes them eligible to receive the death penalty. Also, the people we are not sure of can be put in jail. Jails are over filling so criminals are being released earlier then their original sentences. I know this because my aunt was released about a year before her sentence was completely served.

I will state my final words. I want to make it even more clear that the death penalty should only be given to murderers. The other criminals can be put in jail. The murderer should feel the same pain the victim did. Rotting in jail is a bunch of bull. Yes, to some it is crap while it is heaven to others. Why are we paying for murderers to have a life with food and beds? You would want the murderer of your family member dead. You would not just say they can go to jail. DNA is not exact but it is only .01% possibly wrong. That is pretty darn good. You may say two wrongs don't make a right but that makes no sense at all. So, if someone cheats on a test and is given a failing grade for cheating...would you say that then? The same applies to the death penalty. The death penalty is simply a consequence for their actions.

I would love to debate someone on this issue but please read my whole post before posting. It makes the debate more enjoyable if you post your feelings to each of my points and then state your final words. Thanks and also keep it on topic.

  • 205 Replies
3,880 posts

I'm not saying to let them go, there's a humane way to do this. The lethal pill has the same affect, but with less pain.

Why waste money on a lethal pill? They die, its over they cant feel anything!

so you believe that we should let one innocent person die as long as 100 guilty are killed?

Its 1 in a thousand.
1000 * 30000 a year for 20 years lets say = 600,000,000

With 600M you can save way more then just 1 person!
803 posts

@TR, so you believe that we should let one innocent person die as long as 100 guilty are killed?

That is not the percentage. It is .01% of every 100 so probably 1 person for every 1,000 or more. I even said that if we can't really be sure, put those in jail. However, most murders are very obvious with DNA and other evidence used.
581 posts

I am for the death penalty. I don't care how it's done as long as it's effective and humane. I do wonder though, if someone murdered my family, would I want their death to be humane? I say yes now, but in that particular situation I think I would want them to suffer the most horrific pain imaginable.

1,006 posts

You have to look at it, are we going to sink to there level, are we going to do what they did back at them and then say it's wrong? Death is better to have them live is harder for they have to live with it.

14 posts

i belive the death penalty is wrong and no matter what a person does they shouldn't be killed for it. Only god should have the power to take a life

1,973 posts

Timegoesby has a good point. Say they killed somebody in a torterous way. He/she is already at a low level, so would you want to do that?

@and1balla5, for this debate, you shouldn't be puting Christian themes into this. Not everyone believes in God, so your arguement is not strong.

425 posts

Drace have you seen Minority Report.

Anyway, in Hell they say that you are given an ironic punishment which is related to your crime.

They should do this nowadays but only kill them if the crime is really bad.

3,880 posts

"i belive the death penalty is wrong and no matter what a person does they shouldn't be killed for it. Only god should have the power to take a life"

Murderers take lives...

1,973 posts

"i belive the death penalty is wrong and no matter what a person does they shouldn't be killed for it. Only god should have the power to take a life"

Murdurers take lives, but it doesn't make that good. If we shoot a murderer in the head, than we are the same.

1,780 posts

I think we should have a quicker, less painful way to do the death penalty. An extremely painful way would be inhumane and wrong. However, I do believe that they should be killed.

1,973 posts

I'm on the borderline. I do think that mass murderers should get the lethal pill, but on the other hand, I don't think we should stoop down to that level :/

The lethal pill only takes a few minutes, and I don't think there's that much pain....

3,880 posts

Who cares? They die, they die...

Let them feel the pain. It does not matter at all.

189 posts

I believe the death penalty is a viable form of punishment for those who committ serious crimes, like a crime against humanity.

Many people believe prison is worse than the death penalty. After someone goes on a shooting spree there is a reason they take their own life afterwards.

Nowadays prison is not that bad. Homeless people break a window and walk in a building just to go to prison and get a warm place to stay. If we want prison to be a viable form of punishment it needs to be an Alcatraz style system. WHere inmates weren't allowed to speak unless it was to ask someone to pass the salt. We need the system that letf Al Capone a blabbering idiot.

And when it comes to "only god having the ability to take a life" Things like the judicial system operate on an atheism system for a reason, not everyone thinks there is a god to doll out punishment.

35 posts

I agree. Prisons are positively decent places compared to living on the streets - you get your own bed, toilet, shelter from the elements, and food in your stomach. In a way, sending someone to prison for life is just a death penalty that takes a long time and gives them a chance to escape. Why waste resources on murderers when they could be used to give decent people a second chance (homeless people)?

803 posts

You have to look at it, are we going to sink to there level

I know it sounds like this but you have to look at it as a punishment for the crime. Here is an example of how punishment is carried out. If you cheat on your homework, you may get a zero on it which will only lower your grade a little bit. If you cheat on a test, you could get a detention or even suspension. Cheating on a test is like a murderer. They should get a harsher punishment.

i belive the death penalty is wrong and no matter what a person does they shouldn't be killed for it.

So you are saying someone who chopped up his child's body should not be killed?

An extremely painful way would be inhumane and wrong.

Then what are we accomplishing? The whole reason for the painful death is to lower gruesome murders. Inhumane? That person killed someone and we are not punishing them because it is inhumane.

The lethal pill only takes a few minutes, and I don't think there's that much pain....

Once again, what are we accomplishing? They will just make sure to go out with a bang if all they get is a painless kill. You need to scare people so they don't commit a gruesome crime. If the murderer is killed the same way, I guarantee there will be less violent crimes. If a painless pill is used, the criminal will try to harm as many people possible before being caught.
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