People abhor war because they dont like it from a moral perspective. They do not realise that #1 there will always be wars and there will always be men (and women) ready to kill for their countries. #2 War from a moral perspective may seem wrong but that is because people dislike killing. They never think that a war could kill some people but save many more.
war is not a great solution to problems. class we did a project to understand y countres went to war. Specifically WW1. we were split into groups and each group was a different country. Each group also had two things they had to do or the group failed, i was Germany and i coulnt let the french have some place in Africa and i had to help my allies who were Austria. The other groups had things that were the exact opposite. France wanted he colony we had and even offerd us akll thier colonies but we still said no. We were at each others necks and other countries were doing the same thing one girl even slapped accross the face. SOmetimes the only way to settle a problem is by physciall force opposed to mental. It is part of the human brain to be violent and fight
At the end of the day, the whole point anyone goes to war is for the money. They might say its because of religion and what not but at the end of the day its for the money and no matter how many hippie groups protest wars or people post about it on the internet is going to stop wars from breaking out because of money.
Maybye that is the motive for modern war but it is not in most cases in my opinion. Most people go to war due to alliances or to distract the nations people from domestic problems and on that rare occasion to do some good in the world ie for humanitarian reasons eg the balkans in 1990s. People who say that the Iraq war is only going on due to the oil are retarded. The oil revenues dont come anywhere near the cost of the war itself let alone enough to make a profit from staying there so that argument is fundamentally flawed. I personally belive that it is to get a foothold in the middle east so that in the near future ie 20=60 years when oil runs out the US and UK will be able to use military force to seize the regions resources.
Wrap your little heads around that. For money...sure, but go deeper than that. Go deeper, to the very very roots of all major conflicts. Overpopulation...
The way I see it all wars are caused because of atleast 1 of these 4 things: Hate Religious Differences power And Politics
Hitler wanted power, the war in Iraq was the effect of politics, and the U.S. hated communism so we started the wars in Vietnam, and North Korea.Then theres Religious Differencs, that one goes back to the core reason for Crusades.If you think about it theres not a single war that wasn't caused by one of these things.Atleast not one that I know about.(and money goes with power just so you know)
IF YOU THINK ABOUT, THERE'S NOT A SINGLE WAR THAT WASN'T CAUSED BY OVERPOPULATION. THERE WOULD BE NO WAR IF EVERYONE HAD UNLIMITED LAND. If we separate peoples and give them enough room for expansion, then all war will stop.
wrong. I can name the Vietnam and Korean Wars. Those were caused by Communism, which was trying to spread and subjugate as many people as possible.
I don't think that war is caused by overpopulation, but, it is caused by the greed of the ruler of one nation (in most cases the want to rule the whole world)
Those were caused by Communism, which was trying to spread and subjugate as many people as possible.
There were many more causes to the Vietnam war than that. It was first a fight of independance against the French Imperialists by rebels who happened to be communist. It was only when they beat the French that the Americans went in as they were afraid of communism spreading.
War soves lots of conflicts. Lots of countries we beat are now our allies.
This is so true. today we are celebrating the American War for Independence. The founding fathers initially didn't want independence from England, they were angry about England imposing unfair taxes and martial law in the colonies.