it does not solve anything it just get more dustruction.YES SOMETIMES it is right to be in war but we have been in war for 5 or 6 years and wat is doing.people now dont even know wat they are fighting for.[quote]"I don't mean go out and get violent; but at the same time you should never be nonviolent unless you run into some nonviolence. I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do."
We get no where with War, but sometimes it must happen for self defense, i mean, if someone is attacking you, you are not just going to sit back and watch now are you.
I believe that the solvability of a "war" depends on what type of war is bieng waged.
Wars have been resolving issues since humankind was able to pick up a stick and connect it to someone elses head. Disputes over territory, political rule, power, etc. have all been solved, at least temporarily, by wars. Unsavory? YES. Effective? ABSOLUTELY. The United States would not exist if it weren't for the war that SOLVED the issue of monarchaic rule of the colonies.
Ideological wars, such as the "war on drugs" or the "cold war" cannot in my opinion be solved by bashing sticks on heads. They are the ones that require a delicate, dangerous dance of military muscle-flexing and political sweet-talking. Unfortunately, its far easier to beat your neighbor and take his belongings than to talk him into giving them to you. Those type of wars, I'm afraid, are quite unsolveable. All that can be gained from them is experience and perhaps a bit of understanding of the problem that started the conflict in the first place.
Well, in this playlist, if you go down more, you'll see a song called "War" by Edwin Starr. This is something have you thinking about war. Like Devoid said, it get rids of overpopulation. I also believe that it releases all the anger of the dark side of your heart. A lot of people in this world think that they are pure-hearted but all of them are wrong. In every Light, their is darkness. I think if you bottle all of this anger in the darkness, it will lead to reckless killing. Most people who join the war want to protect their loved ones but what if they kept in all their anger and they get into a really big fight with loved ones. It's always possible that they might kill them. Even if you are sorry right after killing them, it will still be done. So I guess War is a way to protect your loved ones both ways. This, however, does not give a reason attack other nations. Deep down, we are all the same. Maybe not in personality, but maybe in goals. One of those goals are probably to live peacefully. So I'm saying we need to find something that can relieve immense amount of anger and stress. If we can ever find that one thing, this might lessen wars. It won't destroy the art of war though since we cannot destroy the dark side of our souls no matter how hard we try.
1) @ people who said it solves overpopulation - Why would you even say something like that? I think that is extremely disrespectful to all of the soldiers who keep your selfish ass safe. War does not solve overpopulation. The birth rate still exceeds the death rate which means nothing is changing. I can't get over how some of you would just like war to get rid of some strong people. I would rather have a disease wipe out ignorant people like you then war kill the soldiers who fight for our safety.
2) Violence is not the answer, it is the question. Yes or no is the answer. Some wars were fought for obvious good reasons like the American Revolutionary War. Other wars such as Vietnam and Iraq can be debatable. Really, this topic is too broad. I think it would have been a good idea to list some wars and ask if they solved anything.
Well it all depends on the situation, and what it is that you are solving.
If you are talking about conquer of another land, yes the war is the answer. If it is to overthrow rule, yes again. To overthrow another nation's leader, yes. To win resources off another country, yes.
You have to keep in mind though, these are the only type of things why war is even waged! Wars are never fought to fight poverty, world hunger and such. Under the right circumstances, it could come down to a war to solve these things, but I doubt if it has happened.
Really, no one is stupid to repeat the same mistake when clearly seen war was not the right answer for 10000s of years old. History has shown otherwise actually. You want another one's land. Kill them for it.
It works.
It was just a joke No one really uses wars to solve overpopulation problems.
The current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan being waged today are imperialist wars for US control in the region and control over Iraq oil. But the US already has plenty of oil, I hear you say. Well, the main importers of Iraq oil are the European Union and China, so if the US can control their oil, they can limit the EU and china posing potential threats to America's hegemony in the world today. These wars are being perpetrated not for Americans, not for 'defence', but for the American ruling class and their interests as the sole superpower in the world.
I hate war, but have to say, that unfortunatly (I am not trying to be cynical or negative) war is one of the only things that have people thinking. People come up with a new way to kill you every time. And they use strategies. This is one of the saddest facts of life, but live spelled backwards is evil.