If a nuclear war goes out, most of humanity will be subdued. Lol, yes, last level of age of war. Still, Nukes aren't anything to laugh about.
Onward, though, if "NO ONE" fought with each other there would be an upsettingly DROWNED need of war. As bad people exist, the police and armed forces are REQUIRED. If countries see a reason to fight, because these "Uncontrolled "Bad People"" are causing troubling threat to a neighboring country then so be it war shall go on. Hopefully for the right reason. Other times, when no ones willing to help and the countries in a VERY bad position. To save themeselves they may have to fight. Nowadays, Wars are a very hard thing to passby. I wouldn't call the war on terror anything "dun dun dun dun.. ish" Near half a million Iraqis dead, half of them being innocent. and only four thousand American troops out their for nothing. [My political veiw]
War is an advantageous, great thing that is needed to survive in humanity. You can simple it down to. "Lion A is starving, Lion Prey A and B are able to be hunted, Lion A kills Lion Prey A even though it knows that Lion Prey B may have been the mate, and is now hurt by this loss" Obviously, Animals don't love too much for noticing, but I've made it simple. War is good when used for the right reasons, usually to get rid of the worlds evils. To stop war is to stop humanity, sadly, but yes. As overpopulation, money, and defence are inevitable.
If a nuclear war goes out, most of humanity will be subdued. Lol, yes, last level of age of war. Still, Nukes aren't anything to laugh about.
Onward, though, if "NO ONE" fought with each other there would be an upsettingly DROWNED need of war. As bad people exist, the police and armed forces are REQUIRED. If countries see a reason to fight, because these "Uncontrolled "Bad People"" are causing troubling threat to a neighboring country then so be it war shall go on. Hopefully for the right reason. Other times, when no ones willing to help and the countries in a VERY bad position. To save themeselves they may have to fight. Nowadays, Wars are a very hard thing to passby. I wouldn't call the war on terror anything "dun dun dun dun.. ish" Near half a million Iraqis dead, half of them being innocent. and only four thousand American troops out their for nothing. [My political veiw]
War is an advantageous, great thing that is needed to survive in humanity. You can simple it down to. "Lion A is starving, Lion Prey A and B are able to be hunted, Lion A kills Lion Prey A even though it knows that Lion Prey B may have been the mate, and is now hurt by this loss" Obviously, Animals don't love too much for noticing, but I've made it simple. War is good when used for the right reasons, usually to get rid of the worlds evils. To stop war is to stop humanity, sadly, but yes. As overpopulation, money, and defence are inevitable.
war has done a lot we would be dead with out war war puts science in overdrive and the second world war defeated the nazis and imperial japan it has done a lot
That's a great point, soakerman. War generally stimulates economic and technological growth tremendously - at least for the winning side. Do you think these gains are offset by the destruction and rebuilding necessary for the losing side? (Consider both World Wars)
War can be for the good and it can be bad at the same time, depending on what side your on...
And yes war has done good after WW2 people started to invest and study on things such as new wepons and how to improve the world around us... War has done good and bad for the world, without war this world would look diffrent then waht it is today.
I still think war can be replaced. While history would be very different without violence, I think that if people would replace war with a sport, or use non-lethal weapons, it would be OK to go to war. Even a war video game or paintball.
Haha lol but I get what your saying, I wounder if it was ever possible to replace war studies such as all the new tec that was created durring the time with some studies more so towords the surrivile of mankind, Mabey if we wasted less time fighting one another we could look for new ways to improve the world...
But as long as there are humans on the planet earth there will always be war...
wars... Since dawn of times there has always been wars, and I'm pretty sure that there'll still be a lot of wars in thoudands of years. Are they useful? No. they lead to profound catastrophies and disasters. Did you ever realize that in history lessons you learn about wars and about the facttaht they're bad, but when it comes to actula wars we don't think they're bad?
Humanity is repeating its mistakes and will keep doing so. Even if the entire planet was unified under the same nation, there would always be internal wars.
wars are bad, wars are useless, wars bring sorrow, desolation, hatred, thirst for revenge, ruins, enmity. I don't see a solution to the problem and this is what desolates me the most.
war doesnt solve anything at all. And at the same time, it can be stopped too, which is that sad thing. If Africa had more food, the US had more oil, and all the other countries had what they needed, then war could be prevented.