I think war can solve a lot. But so much wars have been fought for a stupid reason, (like Nam) or have been poorly executed. (Like the Iraq war.) However, if it weren't for the Revolutionary war, we MIGHT still have slaves in some states by now.
If you ask me, we're going to need another Revolutionary war soon. The night they arrest a homosexual 8 year old for preaching against the church and Bush, is the night that the first shot will be fired.
True, that is why you silly Americans always go about things, I mean why not leagalize gay marriage, it solves everyone's problems that way no revolutionary war will break out. Also cilliad_nodi, i said that comment and it does work, it puts the runts in the back and the victorious in front mate
War is an absolutely necessary evil. Without war, we would have no need to advance weapons. And OF COURSE, without being able to deny it, someone horrible would come and ka-plow, and ker-splat the people who gave up weapons so the world could be a better place. War is also needed to control the population, and teach.
No it doesn't because humans are just killing our own race just because they are in a different country or have different beliefs. When you think abuot it, humans are the only living thing on Earth that kill their own race.
I was replying to flappy's post, the "When you think abuot it, humans are the only living thing on Earth that kill their own race." part. I never said animals started war.
well i mean it depends what are u fighting for. yes it is true that some wars are pointless and are not going to lead to any major changes or things that will eb renemberd. But some wars have to fought with some wars who knows right now what the world would be like. My opion war is only just if the cause is right
War is simply the combination of the human instinct to fight, and the application of new technologies we have developed. War itslf never solves anything, but the effects of war can be of great benefit to mankind, such as the elimination of imperialistic dictators that aim to for world domination, or the independence of nations. But still, there are many more peaceful alternatives to war, but we hardly ever consider them, and we cannot stop war; fighting is human nature, and it seems that we only evolved to develop it.
Animals don't wage war dude...Humans make them or now a days we just kill them in the crossfire...Animals fight but don't wage war.
Not necessarily. Rival meerkat tribes, for example, undergo phases of constant, bloody hostility. To wage war as oppose to fight seems to be a matter of scale and the existence of societies; humans are not the only species that have extensive social networks.
I would say that war doesn't solve things- this is another example of people rationalising our tendencies (I don't like using the word 'natural' but here's a place I'd use it.)
If one asked why we have such things as war, I would say competition. As in there's a limited resource set, and we always try to define ourselves in groups relative to others. Put these two together and you get the why and the how of war.
Yeah, it can solve overpopulation, but war doesn't actually solves anything, you just fight, except if your fighting for your country, like they're gonna take over, like the Spaniards and Filipinos. Wait a minute... Darn you history class! Anyway, let's just put it this way, it depends on what you are fighting for.