I think most people have the wrong view of communism.
This made me laugh seeing as you don't better explain communism, you don't justify it, and you misconstrue capitalism.
The "equal pay" and the "you cant achieve anything" are not much to say.
I'm not quite sure what you are getting at with this statement; however, in a capitalist society equal pay is the choice of the employer, if he pays the better workers more it incentivizes production which increases both his wealth and the wealth of the workers; in a communist society, everyone is given an equal allotment of wealth, this provides a disincentive to production as those who are more skilled get no benefit, as such a communist society has a lower GDP.
One whole thing of communists want to change is taking away the attention of people away from money.
I think you mean wealth instead of money; money is paper, wealth is the combination of money and material goods. Wealth is created by production of goods. For example, land is the base wealth, it has more value depending on location, but it has more value when developed; if one extracts the iron ore from the land to sell it, they now have more wealth than if they just possessed the land; the refined steel requiring more production has a larger amount of wealth in it; finally, the car you produce with the steel is worth the most wealth, with the money it took to purchase the car, you could have purchased several acres of the land the iron was extracted from.
Enough with semantics, you state that the want of wealth is wrong, without providing a reason as to why. Enlightened selfishness, acting in your own favor without harming another, is useful to both yourself and society. Lets say I inherit a million dollars, if I started a business, I would employ people, giving them the ability to create wealth of their own. Maybe I place it in a high-yield savings account, the bank loans my money out to create a profit for themselves, the person who receives the loan uses it to purchase a car, which allows them to profit from a taxi service they create, eventually repaying the loan and allowing them to put food on their families table; I eventually withdraw the money to retire, I pay the retirement center who hires lower-income people to clean the rooms and cook the meals, all-in-all, a net gain for everyone.
People are not born greedy.
Because when a toddler takes a toy from another toddler it isn't greed...
it is selfishness.
It is rather that we try to achieve. Who is to say people are born wanting to get more and more money? We just try to achieve goals.
We want wealth, we want vacations, a nice house, etc. Trying to achieve such goals through legitimate means is enlightened selfishness.
Look at Armorgames. The community here does not get anything over another, yet we are working our asses off trying to get AP. What we call greed comes from the process of people getting money, which usually involves "bad" behavior (The business world is cruel). Bill Gates, however rich, is not greedy.
Armor points give you higher classes and armatars, which is what people are striving for, and does give you something over another. The process of obtaining wealth isn't "bad," competition is a healthy part of industry that lowers prices and increases quality, which is how the business world is thought of being cruel; it is difficult to beat the competition.
Capitalism is like taking all of a persons freedoms away at birth and selling it to them when they can afford it it.
Capitalism is freedom, freedom from the government interfering in your business and private matters, freedom to be yourself, freedom to do what you choose with your money. If you are trying to say that the poorer workers are unable to spend their money as they wish, they must instead pay for the bare necessities, you would also be wrong. A worker can slowly save up and wisely invest his hard-earned profits to gradually raise wealth. Also, he can gain on the job experience, more skilled workers better profit a company, so he would likewise be paid more, gradually working his way up the ladder until he has lifted himself from the bottom.
You cant live without money. You rely on others for earning this money, but those who give it to you don't care of you. Employers are just concerned with getting their profit off you.
Do you think I would care for the person whom I must split my earnings with in a communist society? No, in fact I would dislike their theft of the fruits of my labor. An intelligent employer cares for his workers, in a competitive job market, workers will seek those who treat them well and quit jobs where they are shown little respect. Also, workers are more productive in an environment where they are respected; I know of a place where they have an arcade, fitness center, and free haircuts exclusively for the employees. Employers concerned in getting a profit out of you would respect you, just as a retailer who wants to profit from the customers; example, I go the local Quiznos and they say, "Hello, welcome to Quiznos, may I take your order?" whereas at Subway *Scowl* "Whaddu yu want?" Guess which one I prefer going to.
The problem is, the road to getting a good job, housing, medical care, insurances, etc, are very though and cricket. There is no system for it. This is the freedom you supposedly have in capitalism!
Sorry, I've never heard of the term "though and cricket," I'll assume you mean tough or something like that. Anyways, it may be tough but almost every adult I know has done that. There is a system for all of them, to get a good job, get an education preferably with college, send applications, go to the most agreeable position; for housing, save up money or get a loan, hire a realtor, find the house you most like, buy it; etc. Also, you falsely assume without proof that the communist system is better, in all likelihood it wouldn't be better, with only one medical insurance group, education system etc. you have monopolies with no competition, competition forces businesses to be more efficient and consumer friendly. Would you rather go to the Department of motor vehicles where there are long lines and disinterested slow working employees or to Walmart, Target, Meijer's, K-Mart, Kwik-E-Mart etc. where they warmly welcome you as you enter, they have a quick and competent customer services department, employees willing to help you in the aisles, open up more check-out lines if they are too long, etc. The DMV is nowhere near as friendly or efficient. Finally, yes it is freedom, much greater than that of communism; you choose the school and the business you enter, you choose the house and realtor you use. Capitalism grants much greater freedom.
You are free to build your own road to happiness. Its like letting a baby do whatever he wants when it cant support itself. The mother should take of it. There is no system to get you settled. What communism does is create this system. No its not taking your freedom away, it is helping you by providing free education, health care, housing...
No you can't freely build your road to happiness, you are only allowed the wealth the government chooses to give you, also you don't choose the schools you want to got to, their is only one choice, you don't choose what (insert service or product here) you want, there is only one choice. The infant comparison isn't applicable, a baby can't take care of itself with rational decisions, an adult human can make rational decisions to lead his life as he wishes and support himself and his family. Yes, it takes your freedom away, you can't choose a more efficient, consumer friendly system, there is only one system. By providing it freely, you either don't pay the schoolteachers, unlikely, or you take the cost away from all of the citizens, removing their ability to freely use their money.
Its sad to see people say communists are evil
Communists aren't evil, however communists governments are, look how China and Russia treated their citizens, Stalin and Mao each had over 30 million people killed, philosophically, it also removes an agent's freedom to do what they want.