I wanted to open up this topic again... Hopefully I will get some thoughtful responses :-$ ______
I think most people have the wrong view of communism.
The "equal pay" and the "you cant achieve anything" are not much to say. One whole thing of communists want to change is taking away the attention of people away from money. People are not born greedy. It is rather that we try to achieve. Who is to say people are born wanting to get more and more money? We just try to achieve goals. Look at Armorgames. The community here does not get anything over another, yet we are working our asses off trying to get AP. What we call greed comes from the process of people getting money, which usually involves "bad" behavior (The business world is cruel). Bill Gates, however rich, is not greedy.
Capitalism is like taking all of a persons freedoms away at birth and selling it to them when they can afford it it. You cant live without money. You rely on others for earning this money, but those who give it to you dont care of you. Employees are just concerned with getting their profit off you. The problem is, the road to getting a good job, housing, medical care, insurances, etc, are very though and cricket. There is no system for it. This is the freedom you supposedly have in capitalism! You are free to build your own road to happiness. Its like letting a baby do whatever he wants when it cant support itself. The mother should take of it. There is no system to get you settled. What communism does is create this system. No its not taking your freedom away, it is helping you by providing free education, health care, housing...
Its sad to see people say communists are evil, lol. Don't worry, we touch the existing evil with gloves on, it does not contaminate us.
Thelistman is completely right, I keep on hearing you say that communism can work if done the right way but if you tweak this and that enough it no longer becomes communism.
All you need is humans away from capitalism to make communism work. It has not worked in large socities because of hard time controlling them. Truth is you arn't going to think about the person who your goods went to. Its actually not eve your goods, just the ones you produced. Just like you never think of all the money you made for your boss. Another thing, it is ba system, so by working you are going to have things returned to YOU.
I know the definition. I've studied it enough to know what it is and how it's set up to work. You are the one tweaking it and changing it. Even then you cannot make it work.
Drace, your arguments no longer make sense. I think you're the only one defending communism, and at the same time I think you are the one that needs to look up the definition of communism.
That is wrong in every single way though. You do not have a clue of how the economical aspect of communism works. Communism works by keeping their people poor. You act like everyone will be middle class. This is not possible without the circulation of money and the circulation of money within the people is somethign that ruins the aspect of communism.
Communism is great in concept. A world where everyone lives happily without the need to struggle to get a head, jealousy over others possessions, and no dog-eat-dog competition. This is all great, but what usually happens is a few rich leaders fail to create a perfect life for their people. Instead of everyone being equal and happy, everyone is equal and poor. Also without competition, people don't care about working hard and getting ahead so the economy and productivity falls. People have to be forced to work and keep their mouths shut at this point, and nothing works the way it was planned. Compared to communism, capitalism gives you the most freedom. You can do what you wish, and the harder you work the better the results usually are.
By referring to capitals, I'm talking about the businesses.
Capital - any form of wealth capable of being employed in the production of more wealth
Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless[b] society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general.
At the state of communism, there is no state, or at the most, not very much of it.
but what usually happens is a few rich leaders fail to create a perfect life for their people
Communism is freedom in its greatest extent. All you are asked do you r work, and this is because it is mandatory for human survival.
Okay, so capital, not capitals. But isn't any economic system focused on capital? Even in a Communist economy, overall wealth must be increased for the system to work.
But Drace, you aren't ending the concept of capitals. You are simply replacing money with other resources from food to clothes and other materials. These new resources will become the next capitals.
So how is your society any different than ours? The only difference seems to be is that there is no money.
You are simply replacing money with other resources from food to clothes and other materials.
No lol, you are given a wage of which can be used to buy your needs. Or what might happen is that rations are still available, but money is for luxury goods.
Who gives this wage? Who gives the rations? Whoever controls the supply of rations has the ultimate power to control the people, thus it is still not a stateless, classless society. Once one corrupt minded person takes over the post of distributing rations... the system will fail. You are putting way too much faith in people to follow the system to the extreme.
The truth is, eventually someone will abuse their power over the people and end up ruling the world. Their evil empire will grow with nothing to stop it.
As Maxwell Smart would say: "If only they used their power for niceness, instead of evil."