ForumsPopular MediaWhat Do You Think about Christian Metal?

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79 posts

Christian Metal- August Burns Red, Becoming the Archetype, Demon Hunter, Destroy the Runner, Extol, Haste the Day, Inhale Exhale, Living Sacrifice, Norma Jean, Oh Sleeper, The Devil Wears Prada, Underoath ( list anymore if u can think of them) What do think about those christian metal bands and others? What type of metal would you put most christian metal groups into, do you like there music, their lyrics, etc.?

  • 59 Replies
874 posts

Metal itself is bad,so in my atheist condition christian metal is very,and I mean very bad...
Metal is a way to agressing music,it's only technical noise

I hope you realize that short of Classical and Orchestral music, Metal is just about the most rhythmic genre of music there is. Every instrument and note has to be planned in according to every other instrument and note. Ever member of a Metal band needs talent, as if any one sucks, the band sucks.

Listen to Metal, then listen to Classical. If you try, you should notice a musical similarity, as Classical is one of the biggest inspirations of the Metal genre. Technicality and rhythm are critical to Metal.
1,813 posts

I know about this,I expressed myself the wrong way bu sying it WAS,since i should have said i THINK it is,I am very sorry.

But as I said it's ''technical'' noise.I've got one of the most flaming comment on my userprofile by a 15 year old that thinks he rule the world of music so I was pretty tempted to come here and see how much damage my post had caused.As I said in other posts,I TOTALLY respect metal player,but that doesn't mean I like them,and I recognize how complexe metal songs may be,but to me,the sound of metal is agressing,that's a personnal opinion wich sounded not very personnal on first though but we all do mistakes,this post was hasty so I generalized.
As for Estel your question makes no sense,since even though it's true that we don't listen music JUST for the lyrics,we listen to music at least a LITTLE for the lyrics,wich give a complete and logical argument as to why I don't like christian metal more than metal.Rejecting God is a daily activity,for science and logic are to be worshiped as gods.
Classical music had major influence on metal,but is although not metal,it's all about the sound and even if bands these days accomplish miracles on intruments,screaming guitar will never be as majestic as 400 musicians playing with the utmost care

193 posts

Amen Estel.
I'm glad someone out there is in their right mind

115 posts

i dont really mind, what's the different? there just expressing their feeling in a song

134 posts

first thing that pops in my head when i see the 2 words together is, "oxymoron"

they just dont look right together lol

93 posts

Before judging: I'm an atheist, or to better say, my religion is science.

Metal is a music genre like any other. If christians want to express their opinion with that genre, it's not a problem for me.

There's a priest here in Italy, who as hobby sings in a metal band. ("Frate Metallo&quot In a way it's great, it means that prejudges are being broken down.

The "Satanism" many bands refer to, is the one of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton Szander Lavey, who wrote a fantastic book. He's atheist. Their "Satan" is the person itself, and it's not a spiritual religion, at all. No sacrifices, no murders, nothing.

I suggest you to read it and to inform yourself. Both the metal haters and those metal fans claiming to be "cruel evil satanists".

1 posts

So here's my low down. I'm an open Christian who's open to music. I don't care what it is I'll probably tolerate it (as long as its not modern pop dear God nooooo not Miley Cirus). A lot of people don't really pay attention to lyrics of really anything metal, Christian or not. But I always look 'em up if I think it has a message I should hear about. For example, this metal band, Demon Hunter, they're a bunch of a cool Christian dudes. One of their greatest songs to me is 'Undying.' That song, after listening to it made me want to look up the lyrics.We are the ones who will still remain when all is laid to waste etc etc... These guys just wanna make music that they love while talking about the Dude who they love who they believe changed their lives(Christ). Christian or not we should respect that. And enjoy the music whatever it is. Now please note:If the music turns us into a big ****, then we shouldn't listen to it regardless of what it is. But this stuff's making me a more positive guy I think.

172 posts

I like it

That said, I'm a Christian and the only music I don't listen to is crappy music. So that means i'm open to whatever.

Also if we had to follow a certain formula (apocalypse etc), I guess that Bullet for My Valentine would be nixed

2,124 posts

Personally, me being an atheist as well, I don't have a problem with it. Music, in my opinion, is an expression of thoughts and feelings through works and it's good that Christians express themselves with this genre. Although I don't really like those bands mentioned by the OP.

2,124 posts

of thoughts and feelings through words
My fail...

The "Satanism" many bands refer to, is the one of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton Szander Lavey, who wrote a fantastic book. He's atheist. Their "Satan" is the person itself, and it's not a spiritual religion, at all. No sacrifices, no murders, nothing.
I think it's ignorant how some people think atheism is connected to satanism, but this isn't the thread for that.
2,124 posts

Sorry for the triple post, I just wanted to clear up somethings. I know this isn't the thread for this, but it's my last off-topic post.

Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency, or human beingsâ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine.
Satanism can be defined as a religion by some people who fully believe in it. Although, Atheism and Satanism are two different religions.
2,124 posts

Satanism can be defined as a religion by some people who fully believe in it. Although, Atheism and Satanism are two different religions.
I can't believe I said that. Never mind what I said, I just completely contradicted myself...
9,504 posts

There's a priest here in Italy, who as hobby sings in a metal band. ("Frate Metallo&quot In a way it's great, it means that prejudges are being broken down.

I would love to see a priest sing in a metal band. I haven't known one as of yet.

Music is music. I'm a music guy. I had a pretty great music teacher, and he's probably around 37 now. One of his big sayings were "Every type of music has its qualities. You may have preferences, but the day you shut out the ones you hate is the day when you grow slower as a musician."
2,124 posts

I would love to see a priest sing in a metal band. I haven't known one as of yet.
I thought that was pretty interesting too.

One of his big sayings were "Every type of music has its qualities. You may have preferences, but the day you shut out the ones you hate is the day when you grow slower as a musician."
That is actually a very good saying with a deep meaning.
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