Anyways if ever you see a photo with a cool effect or you see a fun effect on somewhere like the GFX battle just come here, post a picture of the effect and I(or anyone else who wants to) can help you out to show you how to do the effect! Now I do work with photoshop so yeah my answers are for photoshop! If I don't personally know how to do the effect I'll try and supply you with a link to somewhere that does. And please everyone stay polite, if someone asks a really simple question it doesn't mean you get to tease at their "newbiness", you were all like that once! So, let the party begin! If any.. ;D
Sure samy. I'd be more than happy to direct you to some more in-depth tutorials.
First off. My personal favorite is deviantArt. Here is the link to the GIMP tutorial section. You can filter your results by most popular, or most recent. You can also search the category for a specific tutorial you are looking for.