Anyways if ever you see a photo with a cool effect or you see a fun effect on somewhere like the GFX battle just come here, post a picture of the effect and I(or anyone else who wants to) can help you out to show you how to do the effect! Now I do work with photoshop so yeah my answers are for photoshop! If I don't personally know how to do the effect I'll try and supply you with a link to somewhere that does. And please everyone stay polite, if someone asks a really simple question it doesn't mean you get to tease at their "newbiness", you were all like that once! So, let the party begin! If any.. ;D
Well, i can be a patient, but i dont think i learn that much from these "Step by step" tutorials where you just sit and follow one drawing? Or am i wrong?
Thanks for your advice Cenere. Glad people are that ncie in here!
Well, i can be a patient, but i dont think i learn that much from these "Step by step" tutorials where you just sit and follow one drawing? Or am i wrong?
Well, in basics, yes, that is what you do. I usually read them to see how other people do to learn by their techniques, and I rarely draw the same as they do while reading it. It is more read-and-use.
dA has a good deal of excellent artists that have made tutorials on how they draw, how they colour, how they do shadows and all that stuff. Like this: That and whatever basic manuals you can get like anatomy, colourwheel and stuff. And maybe look in a full scale mirror. It helps.
Well, there is a few tutorials on water (which is an evil, evil element), but my best advise would be simply trying to figure it out yourself, using references.
If that's an animation made with layers in programs like GIMP or Photshop save it in .GIF format and upload it normally. If that's a .SWF file I have no idea how you should post it here.