Anyways if ever you see a photo with a cool effect or you see a fun effect on somewhere like the GFX battle just come here, post a picture of the effect and I(or anyone else who wants to) can help you out to show you how to do the effect! Now I do work with photoshop so yeah my answers are for photoshop! If I don't personally know how to do the effect I'll try and supply you with a link to somewhere that does. And please everyone stay polite, if someone asks a really simple question it doesn't mean you get to tease at their "newbiness", you were all like that once! So, let the party begin! If any.. ;D
I'm gonna bump this thread. There may be people still in need of it. I don't know, just think it would be a pity if it got completely forgotten. So sorry. *bump*
Okay, this may seem really goofy, but I don't even know how to upload a picture. Do I make it, then save it, then browse for it to bring it on the site? I'm completely clueless, help!
Okay, this may seem really goofy, but I don't even know how to upload a picture. Do I make it, then save it, then browse for it to bring it on the site? I'm completely clueless, help!
Well that's a quite simple thing to do yet many people don't know how. So first of all you need to save your picture, I usually save whatever is to be uploaded to my desktop for ease sake. Then go to an image upload site, there are hundreds around but I usually use imageshack, but I would suggest using something else that is more simple. Ask around, I am not sure which is the best and simplest. Anyways, for lets say imageshack(and every other site) it will ask you for the image, now a window will pop up and you will search for the picture, on your computer, click ok and then click upload. Now you will be brought to the new page where you want to copy the direct link, should be shown, and then on armorgames click the image button and drop the link there and click ok, then it will show up on your post. I wouldn't suggest imageshack as they have removed the direct link to the image itself.
I hate the way Paint does things. I have to draw PIXEL BY PIXEL! So, my question is: What is the best software for designing and drawing (free, yes I know I'm cheap).
@mvpguy22: is a great site for hosting images, in my opinion.
@gman1000: Try google'ing GIMP, then find the version best suited for your computer. It's free, and it's pretty good and relatively simple. I'm not able to say it's the best, but it's good.
Yeap, any tutes are welcome here even if not asked for, I reckon. Who know,s somebody may secretly be wanting it.
One additional tip I find essential to a knowledge of trees: It branches progressively, and those branches split into smaller branches. The beginner's way of looking at it is a series of Ys.
@Apocalypse: Since that's a very general request, I'll advice you to browse here, you should be avle to find a nice tutorial. If you have some more specific questions, please post them, I (and probably others too) will try to answer.
Also, for anybody who wishes to use MS Paint but hates having so precisely lest they wipe out their lines, there's a very powerful tool that is much much more accessible than in fancier programs: the mask tool.
This tutorial makes good use of it. Basically you see that thing that looks like an eraser? That's a masking tool. If you use it and right click to draw, it will replace the foreground color with the background color!
This is very nifty because it means you can do lineart then *under* that, you can do other things without disrupting said lineart. It's like having layers without having to generate layers.