Anyways if ever you see a photo with a cool effect or you see a fun effect on somewhere like the GFX battle just come here, post a picture of the effect and I(or anyone else who wants to) can help you out to show you how to do the effect! Now I do work with photoshop so yeah my answers are for photoshop! If I don't personally know how to do the effect I'll try and supply you with a link to somewhere that does. And please everyone stay polite, if someone asks a really simple question it doesn't mean you get to tease at their "newbiness", you were all like that once! So, let the party begin! If any.. ;D
Photobucket has an image editor yes. I haven't explored its capability because I prefer not to use embedded programs because their functionality is limited, so I don't know if that would be one of its features.
@shermzx: I don't know how that program works, but try right clicking?
@Apocalypse: Practice is what it takes. I'm still struggling with it, but if it's his style you wanna learn, I think the best way would be to ask him for tips?
@Danstanta: Huh? This thread is for art tutorials, not game ones~
@Apocalypse: DeviantART is a much better place to search for tutorials than Google. Just browse around and see if you can find something that helps you.