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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3766045
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
10,816 posts

Okay guys, I've picked up the ball and will formally put the question to the other moderators at our next secret meeting within the storm clouds of the Bermuda Triangle.

5,043 posts

Who is there that we know
To be decisive in this show
To pick one out of none
A winner to be done

A judge
A parody

One steps up to save the act
One to state the facts
It's Noname to be the judge!
The competition shall now budge!

A winner shall be chosen within the next 24 hours!

4,196 posts

Okay guys, I've picked up the ball and will formally put the question to the other moderators at our next secret meeting within the storm clouds of the Bermuda Triangle.



304 posts

So NoNameC68 Are you really gonna be the Judge? :]

9,821 posts

Dang, secret meetings in the Bermuda Triangle? How can you afford the airfare? Hmmmmmmm. . .oh btw, thank you thank you thank you NoName for being the judge.

2,180 posts

Hurrah! Long live the judge!

*Sings God Save the Queen, substituting "judge" for each occurrence of "queen"*

5,043 posts

Oh, the competition ends at last
Of dragons that fall asleep fast
Our witty minded winner today
Wrote a story not happy nor gay
For within the horrors of medical issues
A poor dragon reads, clutching tissues
For the winner of this long tale
I present to you without a fail
The winner is the Ninja Pony
Proving that he's no medical phony!

Every time you hear the story of the brave knight and the cave,
That he searched for the dragon and the lady he must save,
Said knight was tested by the dragon's ire and his fire,
But by the time he speaks of swordplay sigh and brand him as a liar,
For it is known to all folk with a brain, and who are sane,
That dragons tend, without aim, to fall as if were slain,
For they have all been cursed with narcolepsy can't you see,
Thus now it falls to me to tell you how this came to be!

One thing that earns a dragon fame is how they are so vain,
They value ugly without shame it's more than just a game,
You can surely think how generations saw them slowly change,
And the younger breeds replaced the aged with features more deranged,
With plates that squeeze the skin to folds that flap when in the breeze,
And nostrils narrowed to a crease, no wonder dragons wheeze,
And twisted necks, and armored sheets, this list goes to my feet,
Just imagine, if it's not a leap, when dragons try to sleep!

When a dragon rolls onto its back the tissues go all slack,
All the fat from all those damsel snacks will pile up like a rack,
All the things I listed from before plus many many more,
Will try to reach the floor and crush the airways to the core!
What happens next- the airways flop, and breathing slowly stops,
Part of the dragon's brain will hop, then give a mighty prod,
The dragon starts not quite awake; but his sleep becomes fake,
Else the missus gives her mate a shake, since it's his life at stake!

You understand when such a fright comes fifty times a night,
A dragon can't, for all its might, put up a single fight,
His mind is hazy, temper frayed, and dozing off all day,
It wouldn't be so wrong to say, the missus mightn't stay,
Thus the sorry dragon once feared, diagnosed before you here,
Obstructive airways sleep apnoea the name for this quite clear,
There is a way to have him breathing fire in no time,
But to say "CPAP" would be a the context of this rhyme!


Only one may win
But this is quite an honorable mention
What thisisnotanalt sent in
A poem worth some attention

We all know of power
we all know of knights.
We all know of dragons.
We all know of frights.
Away in a cave, an illustrious keep
does a legendary dragon sleep.
He dreams of battles won with flame,
he dreams of the killing that earned him his fame.
He guards wealth and riches unknown.
Riches not a man can earn or own,
riches enticing the sneakiest of rogues.
Riches that could lavish the men with every single vogue.
Each and every day, these riches abate.
Each and every day, the dragon sleeps late.
He suffers from the curse of narcolepsy.
Of slumbering when he should be standing sentry.
This disadvantage costs him greatly,
allowing all creatures unchallenged entry.
A curse, visited upon him by an evil warlock.
A curse unmitigated by all the dragon's power.
A curse intended to simply mock.
The dragon's consciousness now is ephemeral;
Only rarely can he guard his cove.
Only rarely can he live unrevoked.
We all know of power
we all know of knights.
We all know of dragons.
We all know of frights.


Last but not least
A poet lies quiet
A poem by riot

Swift the dragon does fly
Overhead he does soar
Zzzz, not anymore.


There were many good poems and it was hard to choose a winner. Despite subtracting 50 points from Strop for being "too medical" about his poem, making a lot of us feel inferior to his knowlage, he still won. Lucky for Strop I don't use a point system to determine a winner. So congrats to Strop who won with -50 points! Strop, please post your poem here
5,043 posts


Close your eyes and picture a scene!
Imagery is this weeks theme!

Write a poem that will take your mind into a new place, a new world as you close your eyes. Describe with action to paint a picture! To simply describe what something looks like can become a bore, but to use actions allows the reader to paint their own world, a world indescribable by words! The world you paint can be a place you know of or it can be a dream world. Deadline is March 30!

Here is a poem I wrote that I myself would like to share. Of course, as a judge, I am only using it as an example.

Forever sleeping in the clouds
As the rain falls down
Sitting on a hilltop
Watching all the town

Shifting behind the rock
Where it all falls down

Unto the ground
The holy sea does lay
Traversing the tides
Where the kiddies play

Living in a tree
Want to stay today?

With me, with me
In that old night gown
In the bush to play
As the rain falls down

Going with the rock
Right into town today

1,523 posts

Yay, I like this theme NoName.

I'll get to work right away.

1,523 posts

Also, I apologize for the double-post, but thank you for taking over as the judge.

10,816 posts

Proving that he's no medical phony!

Well, I'm glad somebody said what mattered to me :P

Thanks for taking up the mantle, Nemo.
9,821 posts

A deft squirrel skittering down a limb
through beautiful leaves, the sunlight is dimmed.
A grotto concealed from the grasp of time,
even mentioning it's existence would be a crime.
A pristine spring in the middle of this circle of life,
a creek cuts through it like a salient knife.
As Eden this place is,
when I leave, this place I will miss.
Leaves as green as emerald in the sun,
A great favor, this land's been done.
The grass stands so strong and surly,
the dandelions white and pearly.
and to leave this land taxes so great a cost,
believe it or not, I don't like the poetry of Robert Frost.

304 posts


I have heard tales of a place.
A place of many heart.
Where the people are friendly,
And the animals are nice.
They will come up to you with no hint of fear,
Yes ever the lion together with a young deer.

A place where you can lay,
With your face to the sky
Watching the clouds pass by.
Where the earth is green
And unchanging.

They say in this place,
If you lay down
With you back against the ground.
You can feel the earth breathing
As if its heart were beating

A place where life is unending
Where rain falls in brilliant hue
A place just for you

By Adrecka.

50 posts

True Peace

Slid my hand across the rough bark
Could not see, the sky too dark.
I could hear rustling up above
The grass under my feet, ah, this was true love.

No humans near, no engine roar,
Just standing here, my heart does soar!
I cannot see, that matters not
What I found was what I sought.

A peaceful place where I can be me
With no one yelling on the large TV.
No mind rotting temptations or addicting allusions,
Just me and Earth, that's my resolution.

What she made for me, the ground and the sky
Don't need a piece of metal to make myself fly.
My soul is joyous, my mind at ease
This is the meaning of true peace.

2,124 posts

Well, this is my first attempt at poetry so I'm sure there will be a few errors, but hey I tried.


The clouds wonder up above so high
Soaring through the sky
All alone without a care
Floating above without despair.

As their rain drops roar down
Its beauty shows
As the brisk wind majestically blows.

All of a sudden, no sound
No movement on the ground

One look up above
Soaring like a dove

Clouds scatter throughout the sky
I watch them linger above so high
They wonder around without a care
Leaving me thinking without despair.

Showing 736-750 of 3868