Here is everything you need to know about the Support & Suggestions forum. Please see the Table of Contents below for easier navigation.
Please review the rules before posting in this forum. Before you make a new topic, be sure to check the common site suggestions area to make sure it hasn't already been suggested, or your question answered. If you have general questions about the site, chances are they can be answered by the Help page.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Support and Suggestions Forum Rules 2. About Armor Games and Helpful Information 3. All you need to know about Spam! 4. Common Suggestions
1) No spam. Please make your thread relevant, and your replies to a topic related to the discussion. Posts must be more than 5-7 words long. Make sure your question or suggestion has not already been addressed before posting it. Your topic will be locked if it is a duplicate. 2) Questions. Questions are allowed in this topic and anyone is free to answer them if you can. 3) Courtesy. Do not flame anyone for asking a question, even if it seems obvious to you. Be courteous to other members of the community. 4) Relevancy. Before you make a topic, please make sure it belongs in this forum. This forum is only for support and suggestions.
Also, before you make a new thread, please make sure to review the Common Site Suggestions and the Glitches thread, to make sure that it is an issue that we are not already aware of.
(Thanks to Asherlee for the original version of this section) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
About Armor Games
Daniel McNeely is the founder of Armor Games. Starting as Games of Gondor, it grew and with the help of beta testers, became the Armor Games we all know and love. This new site went live on January 8th 2008. Here you can play games, leave reviews, talk with people in the forums, make new friends, and much more. -------------------------------------------------------- Helpful Information
All the Links to All the Rules You'll Ever Need General Site Rules Forum and Commenting Rules Game Comment Rules: In addition to the above mentioned rules, game comments should have something important to say, and be at least a full sentence long. "Good game" or "this game ***" is considered spam, and will be deleted. Try to give the creator of the game some sort of critique that would be helpful in a sequel. --------------------------------------------------------
What to Do if You See Spam and What Exactly is Spam Guide The original spam thread by Kingryan can be found here.
1. Spam Topics
If you find a topic in the Forums that is either:
A) A Topic created just for people to spam in B) A topic that has turned into spam.
Please don't tell the person that the topic is spam. This just makes things worse and you end up with 10+ people spamming by telling the Original poster that it is spam.
If you are the first person to see this thread, then you can tell them that it is spam, and then flag the original comment.
However, if someone has already posted a comment like this, just flag the original comment and leave it at that. As I said before, don't tell them that the topic is spam because then you will just be spamming yourself.
Remember...Don't Post - Just Flag
Spam to Look For: A) People continuously saying that the topic is spam. B) A topic where the original poster has not explained properly what the topic is about. C) If the topic is title something like Spam Here or Only Spammers Here (No Mods). D) If the original message is SpamSpamSpam or something similar.
2. Spam in a Forum Topic If you see that someone has spammed in a forum topic (such as The Guess the Picture Game or Destroy BOB) then just flag the comment. Don't tell them that it is spam, just flag it so that a mod can see it and delete it when they get the chance. That way no extra fuss is made.
Spam to Look For: A) Comments like wtf?, idk or I don't know, ya mum, wow, kinda easy, etc... B) Comments that don't have anything to do with the game such as I think it is a piece of cheese in Destroy BOB - You get the picture!
3. Spamming under Games If you see someone who has spammed under a game by saying Good or 10/10 or bad, etc, then once again just flag the comment. Every comment that you flag is shown to the mods and then they can delete it or take further action when they are online. Don't tell someone off on their page, as this can just make the situation worse.
Spam to Look For: A) Things like Good or 10/10 or bad - Basically a comment that doesn't explain what a user likes or doesn't like about the game. B) Copied Merit Comments - If you see these it may be best to alert a mod as well as flagging it. C) Repeated comments - I once saw a comment repeated four times one after the other. D) Comment that are reposted on different games. For example if someone wrote about how the game had good graphics and cool sounds (Approx 2-3 lines) and then they copied that and posted it on another game. This is a sneakier way of spamming that is harder to detect.
4. Spamming on Profiles Once again, if you see people who have spammed on either their own or someone else's Profiles, then flag the comment and leave it at that. If it is a lot, then collect links for the pages where they have spammed and post them on their page with a detailed explanation.
Spam to Look For: A) Comments such as hello, hi, you're cool, single letters such as A, B, C. B) Comments that have been repeated on lots of different profiles.
5. What to do in a BIG Emergency If you find something that is very bad spamming or very explicit then flag the comment and alert a mod immediately. This includes things like Pornography, excessive swearing and bad racist or sexist comments.
6. What Not To Do -Don't tell the spammer that they are spamming. -Don't just tell a mod that someone is spamming; Give links and an explanation. -Don't get into an argument with the spammer. -Don't spam yourself!
SHOPS There is a Group on ArmorGames called SHOPS. This stands for the Spammer and Hacker Organisation Prevention Society. It has a form that you can fill out to report Spammers. The Mods visit this page often so it is reasonably helpful. [I Myself am a SHOPS Member from WAY back when you had to be a member to report people. This idea was taken out a while back!] You can use this if you want to.
The Golden Rule: Don't retaliate, just FLAG the comment. By flagging comment you are helping the mods out a lot. It makes dealing with spam very easy for them. END OF GUIDE
By KingRyan 2-7-08 [v2] +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Common Site Suggestions For an ongoing list of site suggestions, please see this thread.
Forums 1. Post editing 2. Emoticons -- For example, would turn into an actually smiley face. 3. Less Stickies 4. Sports Forum 5. Newbie Forum 6. Signatures 7. AP for posts in your topic 8. Bulletin Board to post announcements 9. Community search 10. Funny forum 11. Forum Reputation system 12. Spelling/Grammar check 13. Polls 14. Thread Subscriptions 15. Hot Topics -- popular topics marked differently 16. Who is viewing what forum 17. Post preview 18. Forum Merits
Profile 1. Upgraded User Interface -- Change timezone, options for viewing forum, background colors, etc. please see this topic. 2. Number of games played 3. Notifications -- friend requests, merits, etc 4. Private Messaging 5. Member search 6. Ignore member 7. Full body armatars with customizable accessories 8. Add Xfire and skype 9. More amatars 10. Last login 11. Badges 12. Delete all comments and select all comments 13. Rearrange Friend's list 14. View all own posts 15. Ability to see if a profile is banned 16. Status -- I will be gone for XX days, I have stepped out for 10 minutes, I am busy playing Shift 2, etc 17. Censors in profile abouts 18. Count down til next rank
Game Related 1. More options for viewing games -- view all games 2. Re-rate games 3. AP for playing games 4. Armor Games MMORPG 5. MMORPGs (out sourced) 6. Suggestion Games System 7. 5 minute games/Games on the the go 8. Game timer
Miscellaneous 1. Flash videos 2. ArmorFilms - animations 3. Remove the ads 4. Video Tutorials 5. Bring back Armor Chat 6. Delete inactive profiles after a given amount of time 7. Remove pop-ups 8. Rate game comments 9. More unlockable goodies 10. Official AG clubs 11. More contests and prizes! 12. More ways to gain AP 13. Full list of member ranking 14. Spambot 15. Armor Games Awards -- Most Improved Member, Nicest, etc
(Thanks to Asherlee and Klaushouse for this section) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Special thanks to Asherlee, DragonMistress, kingryan, Klaushouse, and GregWeeler for writing the sections.
Well some times spam is understandable, like some one cant type a big long sentence saying why the game is good if they give it a 10/10 because everything is awesome
why cant you guys delete all topics so we can restart its unnessecary to have 297 pages of topics and little less then half are locked
This would result in a lot of debates, thoughts and suggestions being deleted. The idea is to keep them on for other people to read them and make up their own ideas about them. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people would loose their AP when it's deleted and that would pi** off a lot of people I guess... =)
I think that games should be put on the website more often... I check every couple days and I see like 2 new games.
This would mean that there would be a lot of games that would be bumped after only a week or so, unless they would expand the 'latest new games section' which is unlikely because there's the 'front page space' that is an issue there... I myself even think there's to many games coming out at the moment! Sometimes when you log on you find the games you want to try out have already been bumped down the list to the last places and you HAVE to play them or else you would simply forget about them after a while...
I was wondering why some games have walk throughs and some dont
That depends on it if someone takes the time to make a walkthrough of a game legodude96... walkthroughs are (usually) made by the gamers themselves and can be posted in the forum section for other gamers to use or being pasted with the game as a link...
Well some times spam is understandable, like some one cant type a big long sentence saying why the game is good if they give it a 10/10 because everything is awesome
Exactly! (oh wait... was that the same 'too short' comment you mean in this matter? LMAO! =D )
Here is a great suggustion. I know it will take a while, but, make it to where people can submit .exe files that they play just like they play the flash games. I know it would be dangerous so make it to where only people that is VERY trusted can do so. (i would love to subbmit my exe files because i can program in Visual Basic and i can make great games in it. Just no where i can get people to play and rate and stuff.)
Gamemaster, you can't save those games on separate files? I'm not a game programming person, but I clicked browse and you can go through all your files on your cpu. Do your games need to be from the program itself?
I use Visual Basic 6.0. All i know that you can do is make an .exe file with it. I can save the project and everything, but people will be able to change it as they want. I dont want them to do that.
Here is a great suggustion. I know it will take a while, but, make it to where people can submit .exe files that they play just like they play the flash games. I know it would be dangerous so make it to where only people that is VERY trusted can do so. (i would love to subbmit my exe files because i can program in Visual Basic and i can make great games in it. Just no where i can get people to play and rate and stuff.)
The problem that rises with this was answered by yourself gamemaster... if .exe-files were to be accepted here, a lot of people with bad intensions would grab the opportunity to hack, slash and demolish this great gaming website... :/
The way things work now with the games is good and unnessesary to be changed. If you want to submit a game to this website do it here, all other ways would result in spamming and hacking and would ruin the fun for the users who simply want to play the games...
Why don't you confront them with the problem... contact them and state what's you're intention, then maybe they come up with a solution so you can still add your game to AG!
Just ask them the question first via the contact form and then if it's possible upload your game through the submit form and then...
we'll see what it gives and I can vote on your game! =D
I think you need to have patience with that... I understand they have a lot of work on their hands right now, but I'm confident they will get back to you!
they said they wont. heres the quote: "We will not host .exe games on our site, because there is too much risk with allowing anyone to upload them. With almost all certainty, someone will post a virus or hack. And I am sure, very few people would knowingly download a .exe file from an unknown source. Sorry, but we do not host those sorts of games."