I do not think any country could invade the US. Every house you go to they have atleast a gun in the house. In the South its different. Theres bout 5 guns or more in each house. Does anyone agree with me?
The US has more than enough missiles to shield itself and intercept enemy nukes
This may be, but you can never know if it's effective against 100 nukes. Everything fails, whether you like it or not. And on another note, I doubt anyone's stupid enough to nuke any country(with nukes or an alliance with a country with nukes). It would start a chain where every country with nukes is throwing it everywhere, causing massive radiation, thus, destroying all life.
And on another note, I doubt anyone's stupid enough to nuke any country(with nukes or an alliance with a country with nukes). It would start a chain where every country with nukes is throwing it everywhere, causing massive radiation, thus, destroying all life.
It's called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) for a reason....
One of the reasons given for the fall of berlin is that hitler had sent his whole army away from germany to fight in eastern and western fronts so once the russians broke their line of defence there were not much of trained soldiers to defend berlin.
Same thing is happenin to america it got a lot of army stationed outside the country.
The majority of Her troops are stationed in her country, and besides, we have the fact that there are 90 guns owned for every 100 civilians Law enforcment not included.
A pakistani nuke launched from africa can reach USA
only thing is that there are no nukes in africa.
and look closely at numbersbelow u will see a decimal point
those numbers are random and based on nothing anyway.
Dude that is average age i.e the dominant age group its not life expectancy.
i said average age, never mentioned life expectancy. but i bet i can find that info aswell by just googling. google is your friend you know you should try it.
Yes, they were too big geographically wise but they were also too big because they had too many "hands in too many different pots" like us. We're bleeding into bankruptcy and if you don't stop the bloodflow you die essentially. Any empire can fall and be invaded.
I think some nations or alliances of nations are able to invade but I don't see it happening in he near future because everyone is focused on peace and the economy.