ForumsArt, Music, and Writing*ZophinfestedArtthread* Old one.

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9,434 posts

Hey there! You may have seen my drawings in the 'Mazzelh?' thread, the GFX Art Battle or other random places, but I figured I might as well make a thread for some of my other stuff. Because people here seem to like it.
I do not generally take requests, but if you come up with an idea I like, I might use it. You could also just pay me to draw for you, but with the average age of AG users, I don't think many of you will. :P

Idea copyright NoNameC68
Bonus glory for anyone who can name all ten Pokemons blended into that critter.

  • 811 Replies
10,816 posts

I'm just going to remember there is *no* context 8D

Are you familiar with Neon Genesis Evangelion, Zoph?

If not, well, I can't really explain the scene without crossing some transgressional lines...

10,816 posts

Oh hay, I didn't notice earlier comment.

X) I'm not posting things in the order they're made, you did notice that?

Nope, because you don't date your work!

I've never understood add/subtract layers/brushes - how do they work?

Hard to explain, just give them a burl!

Actually, I'd like an explanation of what you did for the fur in the most recent pic. I'm actually reminded of an artist by the alias Wookie.
5,642 posts

Slimy liquids. But it isn't sperm, if that's what you're thinking. :P

somehow it sounds like your contradicting yourself. . .ROFL. "Slimy liquids" ya know, that's so WRONG that it's funny on its own! Anyways, ur 2 dang good, I can't find the time where my drawing skills aren't shot from late night retardium (when your so sleepy you laugh at just about ANYTHING) and me still be happy enough to actually draw. . . . .

~Peace does not exist.
9,434 posts

Are you familiar with Neon Genesis Evangelion, Zoph?
I've seen a few episodes, read a little bit too~ Never really got caught up in it, though. But at least now it makes slight sense~ I can always ask someone I know IRL who really like that series, can probably find out the reference.
Nope, because you don't date your work!
That's because I don't keep track of when I drew particular things! D:
I sometimes write if it's old or new, though~ But just visit my furaff gallery if you wanna see what sort of progress I've made. X)
Actually, I'd like an explanation of what you did for the fur in the most recent pic. I'm actually reminded of an artist by the alias Wookie.
Basic colouring in a medium tone of the desired colour, big soft burn tool for the shades (pretty dang low exposure, probably 4-8%), big soft dodge tool for the areas hit by light (probably at around 15% - needs to be weak effects so that it can be a very gradual colour transition, can always be made stronger by painting it over again and again). Then smudge tool. Smudge tool is your friiieeennnd.
Move it back and forth over the colour differences, that gives those furry streaks in the colour - pretty good effect compared to the amount of work, actually. Finish off with a very small (3-5 pixels) brush in a very light version of the base colour for the small streaks of highlight~
I'm bad at explaining stuff...

Why does it sound like I'm contradicting myself? :P
5,642 posts

OKAY! I think I just came to the conclusion that the stuff around it's finger is monster snot. Why? Well, it has a stickyness and stuff to it, making it split and stick to the thumb. THUS, it makes monster snots.
<inside thoads mind>
Yeah, TOTALLLY Monster snot. . .nothing else, could be right?

9,434 posts

Monster snot... Lol~ Well yeah, snot can be watery. Let's call it snot. XDDD
Oh look, a miscoloured Furret.

10,816 posts

I can always ask someone I know IRL who really like that series, can probably find out the reference.

You'll probably get a funny look xD I can't remember whether it's in the first NGE film or the End of Evangelion one. Either way I'm pretty sure it's not in the serial version.

Basic colouring in a medium tone of the desired colour, big soft burn tool for the shades (pretty dang low exposure, probably 4-8%), big soft dodge tool...Then smudge tool. Smudge tool is your friiieeennnd.

:O That's what I used to do! Except you do it a heap better than I ever did. Maybe I should give it a shot now I have the tablet...

I dunno. After a while I tended to shy away from the smudge tool because (this is just me), it made me feel like a noob (or in other words I didn't like my results), though I still use it (judiciously). At any rate, Wookie (I think I spelt that right) is a very well known artist in the fandom who is highly regarded for her treatment of long fur textures, though I'm not entirely sure if she uses the smudge tool.
10,816 posts

And...I totally want to pick up that furret, though I'm afraid it might spew lava on me or something xD

5,642 posts

Basic colouring in a medium tone of the desired colour, big soft burn tool for the shades (pretty dang low exposure, probably 4-8%), big soft dodge tool...Then smudge tool. Smudge tool is your friiieeennnd.

:O That's what I used to do! Except you do it a heap better than I ever did. Maybe I should give it a shot now I have the tablet...

I dunno. After a while I tended to shy away from the smudge tool because (this is just me), it made me feel like a noob (or in other words I didn't like my results), though I still use it (judiciously). At any rate, Wookie (I think I spelt that right) is a very well known artist in the fandom who is highly regarded for her treatment of long fur textures, though I'm not entirely sure if she uses the smudge tool.

Ya Know, If I didn't take photoshop class in 7th grade, I would have literally NO idea what you guys are talking about. Even though the only "smudge" tool I've ever used was my finger.
9,434 posts

Oopsie, forgot about my thread~ *digs it up*

:O That's what I used to do! Except you do it a heap better than I ever did. Maybe I should give it a shot now I have the tablet...
The tablet is definitely what makes the difference.

The smudge tool is really great, if you don't overdo it. It's pretty easy to mess up, actually... But best way I know to paint smooth looking fur.
And...I totally want to pick up that furret, though I'm afraid it might spew lava on me or something xD
Red Furret! Is Cenere the only one who thinks it looks like it's been using its face to break with (sliding across the ground, face down, the friction causing it to halt) a few times too many?

Ya Know, If I didn't take photoshop class in 7th grade, I would have literally NO idea what you guys are talking about. Even though the only "smudge" tool I've ever used was my finger.
Fingers are great smudge tools, at least when using pencil. Not so great on a computer screen, though it might add a bit smudginess there too. X)
313 posts

Monster Snot looks pretty cool Zoph I gotta say!

9,434 posts

Thanks, Sodas^^

Random crappy image:
Rapidash: Very competitive, this pokemon will chase anything that moves fast in the hopes of racing it.
Arcanine: Arcanine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night.

Done in about an hour and a half this morning after me not having slept all night...

13,657 posts

Nice one. I think the movement is a little odd, there is a little too little energy in the way they are drawn, but the rest is rather good.

313 posts

Your welcome.

Pretty weird but nice Zoph it'd be cool if Mazzelh was flying.

9,434 posts

Nice one. I think the movement is a little odd, there is a little too little energy in the way they are drawn, but the rest is rather good.
I'll excuse everything that is off on that picture with my level of Tired when I drew it. Still think my use of the grass brush was the worst, but I agree with the things you point out.
Running is effing difficult to portray!

Why is it weird? Anyway, thanks, and that - happens.
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