ForumsArt, Music, and Writing*ZophinfestedArtthread* Old one.

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9,434 posts

Hey there! You may have seen my drawings in the 'Mazzelh?' thread, the GFX Art Battle or other random places, but I figured I might as well make a thread for some of my other stuff. Because people here seem to like it.
I do not generally take requests, but if you come up with an idea I like, I might use it. You could also just pay me to draw for you, but with the average age of AG users, I don't think many of you will. :P

Idea copyright NoNameC68
Bonus glory for anyone who can name all ten Pokemons blended into that critter.

  • 811 Replies
13,657 posts

What was that?

A sound.

Yeah, yeah, fine... Zophia will love this when she gets online sometime tonight.
9,821 posts

Zophia will love this when she gets online sometime tonight

*is scared*
Flah. Flah flah flah. Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
5,420 posts

Was gone for a couple days so I was reading some of the posts and found this...

I don't like it much, but it can save as animated .gifs (which Photoshop can't).

I looked at this and it is true. GIMP allows you to save in basically any format you want, but PhotoShop I think does not allow for .gifs in PhotoShop because it wants people to use flash,which can produce .gif files except with a much easier process of frame creation, and animating.

It gives me the option to download the .swf files, I suppose sound could be added to them?

hmm you need the .fla files in order to touch the data. the .swf files only allow for playing it on the flash player, so while you can put it up on websites using HTML or something, it does very little good since it is already basically a .gif file, because of lack of sound, or interactivity, but it is a new site. I checked out how you animate on that site, and am surprised Adobe hasn't gotten after them or anything, since the way you animate is extremely similar to the way it is done in CS4. If they added in the ability to add sound then it would be awesome. Like a community for flash animators, all for free,allowing even more great artists to animate.

As for the last couple pages after comment.
9,434 posts

I can see I shall never again post anything remotely able to spur verbal confusions...

Yeah, yeah, fine... Zophia will love this when she gets online sometime tonight.
You don't say. . .

Upon rereading this statement, I decided to retract it, please ignore.
You know, I had an offended retort typed up, but sure. W/e.

I also still can't read the word cockfight without getting the wrong images in my head. Alt may be innocent enough to think only of birds, but I just can't. Not with that word.

And for the record, I've been aware of what cockfights are since - well a long time. Before my mind was corrupted by the internet, I'm sure I wouldn't have thought twice about the term cockfighting, but seeing that word on AG made me miss the point of the post and just poke at the censor. Why the hell does it get this much attention.

I'm temporarily sanctioning this off-topicness because there's a stance I want to make at this point. Now that I've made it, I won't distract from the original purpose of this thread any further!
Don't you think you should skitter off to the world events section and make a srs faec thread about how synonyms cause miscommunicatioons rather than filling this thread with an argument seemingly targeting my ignorance when there really was no reason to do so.

"dogfight" would indicate a fight between dogs, not roosters.
And the difference would only be that you apparently wanted to be able to make the 'they have attacks/knives equipped' point as well as the much more obvious 'they fight for human pleasure' point.

Moving on?
Quite obviously never.

Dogfight also has multiple meanings- the more commonly known one being aerial combat.
Which secondary meaning would be more fitting to apply to the pokemon concept, I wonder...

I looked at this and it is true. GIMP allows you to save in basically any format you want, but PhotoShop I think does not allow for animated .gifs in PhotoShop because it wants people to use flash,which can produce .gif files except with a much easier process of frame creation, and animating.
Fixed. Also, quite possibly true.

As for the file format thing, yes, friend of mine told me so. :<
And sound option on DoInk would be win.

As for the last couple pages after comment.

I wanna go [censor] censor, [censor] AG, [censor] you, Strop. Not necessarily censoring what you think I'm censoring.


And if I see any more posts about the previous issue I will delete them. Cause they're f****ing unnecessary. (Yes, I just censored fluffing.) Any reply to anything about it in this post, go to my f****ing profile. Where I can ignore it better. Except for Strop, he can take it to IMs.

... Conclusion. My mind is in the gutter, I'm not allowed to defend myself when Strop sees I've misunderstood the use of a word (which I blame on his constant e-penor references, btw), and alt made a somewhat decent metaphor of pokemon fights. Though I could argue with it. But I won't.

5,420 posts

Zophia is that Ubertuna defending the Armor Castle from the moat?


seeing as how it won't let me save GIF files at all, there is no need to add in the word animated, as it is just GIF files in total.
9,434 posts

Huh, that sounds like deviantART's sucky deal with not allowing .gifs to be viewable in the galleries. My version of Photoshop don't mind saving as compuserve gifs, though.

9,434 posts

Zophia is that Ubertuna defending the Armor Castle from the moat?
Yes. Yes it is.

Now, to make this double post valid because I'm too lazy to click delete...
Unfinished drawing is unfinished. Just trying to get a better grip of anatomy (getting heaps of help from Cenere).
It's PG13. There's nothing drawing in the crotch. Just highlighting that.

I should be judging the ASC...
1,523 posts

You should still draw him with underwear or somthing...

1,523 posts

Some find it fail that you posted without reading more than the OP...
I find it more fail that you quoted the sentence mentioning bonus glory to the first who could mention all 10 used, and that the only one you mentioned was not used at all. It's Dragonite wings. >_>

If you read my other post you'd know why I said that...
My internet wouldn't load anyother part of the thread, so I didn't know if it was said or not.
I'm sorry not everyone is perfect.
9,434 posts

If you read my other post you'd know why I said that...
My internet wouldn't load anyother part of the thread, so I didn't know if it was said or not.
I'm sorry not everyone is perfect.
Uh... I'm sorry if it sounded mean. So it basically didn't even load the page count links? Annoying for you, yes.
But as I said, it wasn't because you posted about the OP that I commented on it. It was because your guess was so wrong.
Again sorry if that sounds mean, it is not meant to.

You should still draw him with underwear or somthing...
But since I did the drawing to figure out anatomy rather than clothes, I didn't...
9,821 posts

I also still can't read the word cockfight without getting the wrong images in my head. Alt may be innocent enough to think only of birds, but I just can't. Not with that word.

I know exactly what you're talking about. . .but I don't have a dirty mind. Not even South Park succeeded on corrupting me. . . .
I like your tuna drawing. . .and the anatomy is getting better. . .getting better all the ti-i-ime! Better, better, beeeeeeeeeet-ter!
/random Beatles song
13,657 posts

getting heaps of help from Cenere

I know nothing of that.
Must draw Kai vs Cen cockfight!
And some Titanic scene, and Cen in a pink dress... Oh wait, wrong thread for this.
Still likes the Ubertuna one, though better as an animation.
9,434 posts

You know, Cen, I just took another look at those redlines you did for me (I really should get around to applying them), and I realized y looking at the butt that I need more slim male friends for visual reference.

Also, my f-key just came off.

13,657 posts



I realized y looking at the butt that I need more slim male friends for visual reference.

Like... Not Zlug? Or Mike... Hmm, Egrimm?
10,816 posts

Didn't want to bring this up again, but given previous page, I find it necesssary.

Re: a few pages ago- when the OP is away, sometimes people get carried away, like this time. I apologise for my part in this, including the comment which started out as a joke but ended up snarky instead, which should have had no place on the forum.

Zophia, since on IM both of us never appear online, if you feel the need to talk about it, drop me a line. If I'm there, I will reply.

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